•He twisted his liver•

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<Drake POV>
As I wiped my boogers onto Josh's pillow, I wondered what would come of me and him when my mom eventually would move out, bringing me and Megan with her. Josh is my brother, how is this going to affect us? But, of course I won't go to josh about this. I can't act like I care about him. I'm the cool brother, I don't crack under pressure. This reason is the basis of why I do things like lay on Josh's bed when he's gone. Asserting my dominance. And, I admit it kinda smells like him a little bit. Not that I like that, it's just... I like to... feel not alone. That's all. Really, that's all. I smack myself in the face with my guitar for caring and blow my nose on Josh's fitted sheet. Asserting dominance. I get up and decide to practice my guitar on the couch downstairs because no one is home. Megan is at soccer practice, dad is at work, mom is shopping, and josh is with Mindy. Mindy... I want to hurl just saying her name. And imagining her face makes me gag. As I make it to the couch, I set my feet up on the table and turn the tv on. I focus better with tv, it's a proven technique I've tested and seen true.
As I laid out some sick rifts on my guitar, I sang my thoughts out loud.
"I want pizza... pizza...
Megan ate my damn pizza...
I tapped my foot and became more aggressive with my playing.
"Please excuse me of doing my homework...
I twisted my liver...
I'm unable to read, write, or bathe...
Yours truly,
The doctor"
I thought of the time I had showed those words to josh in the form of a fake sick note. He was not impressed. That's one thing that I like about josh. He speaks his mind about when I'm "stupid." I don't agree with him 99% of the time, but at least he tries. Like how he tried not to run over Oprah. That didn't end the way he wanted. I have to say, the moment he ran over Oprah I saw a new side of josh, a very vulnerable side that I admir-... that I thought looked weak on him.
I put my guitar down and watched some tv for a while. I heard the front door creak open, didn't acknowledge it though. After a minute I felt a slap on the top of my head. I snapped back, shocked, and there stood the repulsive Mindy.
"Well it's my time to.. leave" I stated, picking up my guitar and getting a head start for the stairs.
"Good riddance" she said with a malicious smirk. I heard more footsteps to my right, the front door, but I kept heading forward.
"Hey where are you going drake?" A soft voice said from the foyer.
"Away from your freakish girlfriend" I said, turning around, and acknowledging josh.
"Oh come on, she's not THAT bad... well, she is that bad but... can't you guys get along at least?" Josh pleated.
"Nope." I said, and checked myself out of that room and up the stairs. I heard the footsteps follow me upstairs, josh muttered some worthless pleas at me as I continued up to our bedroom. I heard Mindy from downstairs complaining at josh to come down, but he kept on my trail.
I got into our room and placed myself onto the couch and immediately began playing my guitar again.
"Hey! Drake, I'm talking to you. Stop playing your guitar!" I heard a wimpy cry from in front of me. I hummed out loud and played louder. A large, clammy hand came directly down on where my hand was on my strings, now I was mad.
"It's bad ENOUGH that you have that she-devil in here when I'm home, but trying to force me to interact with her? I'm not going to do it, so give up." I exhausted myself, putting a firm grip onto Josh's wrist with my other hand. I pulled him closer to me.
"I will never spend an extra second of my time with Mindy. Don't you realize you deserve someone better than her?" I was breathing harder, looking at the Josh's face, his fright, made me loosen my grip, yet I pulled him again, closer.
"I will never be friends with one of your worthless girlfriends." I finally let go and pushed josh back slightly. I sighed and grabbed my guitar that had shifted itself down to my legs. I began to play again, I could feel Josh's eyes on me. He was just standing there, not moving, with his hands at his sides, one of them comforting his aching wrist.
"What is WRONG with you drake?" He shouted, catching my attention.
"I'm just trying to have you guys not hate each other so much! You are so close minded!" He protested, becoming slightly red and more clammy.
"Well I'm sorry that I HATE her. Why do you even date her anyway? She is evil!" I put my guitar on the couch and got up.
"She doesn't deserve my time... or yours. Just break up with her already, you know it's coming some time. She doesn't get to treat people the way she does and get to keep you at the same time" I confessed. I was inches away from josh as I abrupt into his face.
"Drake, how many options do you think I have? Mindy has her moments, and she's pretty" I gagged "I don't have the amount of girls at my disposal like you do. You don't GET it. Why can't you just get along with the only girl willing to date me?" He was closer, and redder. I could feel the heat of his breath and see the sweat on his face. I stood there in defeat. I don't know how to respond to josh after that. I know he can't get many girls, but that doesn't mean he should settle for Mindy. The name made me gag again.
"You can find someone else. You don't need to settle for her. I can help you" I tried to calm down, I wanted Mindy gone and Josh happy. He responded with a huff in my face, he looked disappointed and shocked. "Come on, josh, I promise I can help. You deserve better than her." His facial expression dissolved slightly but was still hopeless. I was determined to help him. I was going to show him that he didn't need Mindy to be happy.

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