Chapter 5

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“Yup. He was just so charming!” I told Zara, through Skype. I had finally decided to pay for the internet. They were sick! I mean, who couldn’t live without the internet? So, I had to pay. Sometimes people just want to watch the whole world burn! Okay, I was being dramatic. It was a Sunday sunny morning, the perfect day to go out, maybe fish, take pictures, eat, take more pictures, and sleep. But I thought talking to Zara was far more important. We had been talking for twenty four minutes now, about one single topic. Okay, maybe two. The first one, about Paris, and the other one it wasn’t too hard to guess.

Zara had been my best friend since junior high. We had met when I was in lunch, telling the cafeteria woman that the amount of pudding she had given to me, was almost nothing. Yes, I loved to eat since those days. I had the urge to punch her face, but I would look really manly, so I complained. Zara was the girl behind me, and she was getting really annoyed that I was making the line wait for me. So she pushed me aside, grabbed her pudding and gave it to me, and that was how we kind of met after eating together. Ever since, we have become inseparable. She was far more the type of gossip maker person, but she learned –the hard way- not to spill my secrets. So since then, I always tell her everything. She was the type of girl you would want to hang out with, even though you didn’t know her. She had a dark skin, with big brown eyes and long, brown hair with some highlights. She always cheered everyone up, doing stupid things, but that’s why she was the best.

“I bet so! Girl! You are so lucky! You womaniz- or manizer? You know what I mean. Tell me more, about the date!” She squealed and giggled at the same time.

“I had told you the story about five or six times, in a row!” I groaned. She just shook her head, and came with the same excuse of always.

“You didn’t get me the full details! I have to know!” She said, making the old sad puppy face. I rolled my eyes at her. You could never shut her up, unless she got what she wanted.

I told her everything, again. How I met him first by room service, the… awkward thing, and the date, and the best part, the kiss. I secretly liked telling her this stuff over and over again, even though I complained. It just made me feel like I was there again, history repeating itself. History, what am I saying? That was just yesterday. She gasped, giggled, yelled, and told me to give a one hundred percent detailed story, and almost never letting me finish a sentence. That’s why she reminded me of Carrie. She could talk way too much, but I liked it. Or was it just that I had become used to it?

“Hey, remember the time we sold a penny to a drunken guy for a hundred bucks?” Zara said randomly, with a huge devilish grin.

“Of course! But you won’t do it, at least not when I am here!” I said smiling, remembering the prank. He had totally agreed. Though, I feel like a robber! But maybe I prevented him of doing something stupid with that money, I thought. Wow, maybe I saved someone!

“Duh! The others are not daredevils.” She said, referring to our other friends. I nodded and pursed my lips. That was so like them! “We should have taken pictures of their faces when we did that! They were priceless!”

“Speaking of pictures, have you been taking them?” She asked, frowning and making that suspicious face of hers. She opened one eye more than the other, reminding me of a detective.

“Don’t pull that face! It’s creepy!” I said covering my eyes.

“You know you love my creepy faces. Okay now, answer the question, and no one will get hurt.” She said with a male serious voice.

“You are creepy. Yes, I have been taking more and more!” I said, making weird hand movements. She nodded, and narrowed her eyes. I seriously never understood her faces.

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