Realizations (Grivine story)

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She had seen The Voice plenty of times. She had watched the coaches plenty of times. She'd observed Blake Shelton and Adam Levin's antics and had stumbled upon the fact they had a couples name, shevine. She had watched pretty blondes filter through and African Americans, which the show seemed to think it needed. Throughout watching the show and listening to people "just like her" (although no one was like Christina Grimmie) she had decided Adam Levine was her favorite. He seemed pretty cool by the way he handled himself as well as his team. And, well, it was obvious how attractive he was.

If she made it, if one person turned, she hoped it would be him. So as she clutched the micraphone and waited for the signal to go on, she pictured him turning his chair. For her.

She let out a collective sigh as she realized it was over. Christina had practiced thousands of times and she knew that what she had just performed had been her very best. Usher and Adam were standing and clapping. As she walked closer, Usher stood still cheering and grinning at her, maybe he could sway her. She wanted someone who would fight for her, doesn't everyone?

"What's your name?" asked Adam. He was smiling at her and it took all her self control to not scream at the fact four superstars were looking at her and one was talking to her.

"My name is Christina Grimmie."

"People come out here and they sing and you never know what to expect. And then you turn around and you start to see how engaging, and passionate, and you're more comfortable than I am up there almost--"

"Wow," she whispered, looking straight at him.

"And that is the moment where you realize this person could be a huge star. I mean, I really believe that"

"Thank you so much."

"And it's gonna get bloody, and we're gonna fight but, I'm gonna fight harder."

"No harder than me," said Shakira butting in.

"No one fights harder than me," said Adam with a grin."Six seasons!"

"He hasn't had a day off!" said Shakira as she reached her arm out towards Christina. Christina was reeling as the two argued over her. "He is tired."

"Do I look tired?" asked Adam. Christina tried to control her blush as she looked at him in his black cotton shirt and hair slicked to the side, he was to say the least, irrestistable, though she would never tell anyone.

"Yes!" chorused Usher and Blake.

"You look fine, Adam," said Christina with a small laugh. That had to be one of the understatements of the year. Shakira started talking again and Christina didn't know whether to focus on her or the other two men grinning at Shakira then back at her. Then there was Blake who was clapping and chuckling at what Shakira said. Christina caught the word hormonal. Then Usher started talking and she listened intently afterall, everyone knew what he did for Justin Bieber.

"--someone who will understand who you are as an artist and be able to unlock the incredible--"

"And who better to understand you than a woman?" asked Shakira.

Christina burst out laughing and grinned at Shakira, her laughs echoing the room through the micraphone.

"Or a man," said Adam as he raised his hand. She looked back at him and he was just staring at her. She listened to Usher and Blake bicker some more before Adam asked,

"Hey Christina who inspires you the most?"

"My mom has had breast cancer three times and I thought she wouldn't get to see me do anything like this so I love my mom and I'm happy I got to do this for her."

"Right on," said Adam and he was grinning even wider. Christina hated how he was making her feel by saying two words and a grin, he was going to be one thing only to her and that was a coach.

"Who do you pick as your coach?"

"I love you all, oh my gosh... I'm going to pick, Adam." She watched as he fist pumped the air and walked over to her to give her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're on my team," he whispered to her.

She nodded and smiled. Christina had a plan, she wasn't going to make friends. She wasn't here for that, she was here to sing and win. Friends would just complicate things, especially when people started dropping like flies. Also, she was never the social highlight when she entered a room, except for back there. Back there had been perfect, better than she could have hoped.

She entered the room and hugged her mom and then Adam walked in. He pulled her into his arms again and said congratulations. They talked for a minute before he left to get back to the auditions and Christina grinned and said, "This has got to be one of the best days of my life."

"He'll be a good coach for you," said her mom.

"I know he will," said Christina as Adam Levine filled her mind. As they went to the hotel they would be staying in for a bit she scrolled through a couple of songs she had by Maroon 5. She wanted to know more about him but she thought listening to all his albums immediately after meeting him was borderline creep. So she hummed "She Will Be Loved" and thought about what the upcoming days were and who he'd pick for the rest of his team, and her competition.

This is chapter one, hope to update soon. Leave nice coments thank you!

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