Gross *️⃣ teen!avengers

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Song: YUNG BAE - ain't nobody like you.

Imagine: you're fighting against big monsters in New York and you get eaten by one, and everyone helps you get out.


'Y/n, think you can kill the monster?' Steve asks and you nod.

'Just give me a second...I'll take this one you take the other two...'

'Shit!, Sam there's a kid there, catch it for me will ya!' You yell as you shove the kid into the air and Sam catches the kid and puts it down with his mother.

You look after the two and you don't notice the monster closing nin on you.

It opens its mouth and swallows you whole, you glide down a slimy path as you land into what you guess is its stomach. You feel yourself going under and you swim up.

You gag but hold back the throw-up.

'Oh my god y/n!, are you okay?!'

'I'm inside a ginormous monsters stomach, do NO I'M NOT OKAY!' You yell through your com.

'Is there any way you could try to climb out?'

'Uh maybe, Tony did you install those hooks I asked for?'

'Yes I did...maybe you can claw your way out of there...'

'I have an idea, what if I plant a bomb right here, find cover and then escape, those bombs that react when in touch with liquid...'

'Do you think that will work?' Natascha asks.

'I can try... climbing isn't going to work as I'm looking at it's bones, if it moves only one centimetre, I can get crushed between the's out only shot...' you explain.

'Hey y/n...can you describe how it is to be in there?' Tony asks.

'How about I get out instead and give you a hug asshole...' you mutter.

You unhook the hooks on your lower arms and you hook them on the inside of the monster.

You climb up and clamp yourself to the uvula and you feel the need to throw up from the smell.

'Any luck with the other monsters?' You ask.

'Yeah they're both out, we're waiting for you...' Wanda replies.

'I hope this works...' you squeal as you throw the little ball into its stomach.

It hits the water and starts to beep, faster and faster and it ends in an explosion.

The whole group gets covered in goo as the monster explodes.

They all gasp as the cold slime hits them and you get thrown on the ground. You roll over a few times before coming to a stop on your belly.

You lay on your back and you pant as you try to catch your breath. Your right arm hurts from the fall, it's out of its socket and you groan.

You put one hand on the floor as you get up and you look around.

Your eye fall upon the team, covered in red slime from the monster as you reach for your arm, popping it back into it's socket.

You feel a chuckle rising and it comes out louder than expected, the chuckling turns into laughter and it gets louder and louder and you let your head fall back as you point to the group.

'Very funny y/n...have you seen yourself in the mirror before you started laughing?' Bucky says with a small smile in the corner of his lips.

'I'm sorry, I thought I looked horrible after falling into his stomach but you look worse.

Bucky and the group walk to you and you stop laughing, or you at least try to.

'Stop laughing before I make you, I swear to god I'm covered in monster goo and I'm not afraid to use it..' Bucky grunts with a small smile still on his lips.

You step closer to him and you wipe the goo off of the part where his mouth is.

'Is that really what you're gonna use cause I've got something better...' you reply as you press your lips against his.

He deepens the kiss and the others just roll their eyes.

You lean back and you look at each other with the widens grins.

'Gosh you smell awful...'

'Right back at ya, you jerk...' you smile as his expression changes into a devious smirk and dark eyes.

'No, no no no no...' you say pointing a finger at him and stepping back.

'Aww you don't want a hug from me?'

'God no, that makes my condition worse it's not fair...'

'Life ain't fair doll...' he says before storming after you while you're screaming.

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