Minimum Wage

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Minimum Wage averages at about $7.25 across America. (or $2.13 for employees who receive tips, known as the tipped minimum wage).   And please take note that crappy $7.25 is before taxes and stuff are taken out of your pay check.  So after taxes you're looking at a horrid $5.40 to $5.50 an hour. Workin for nickels.

Minimum wage is meant so that a person can take care of themselves without having to rely on the government for help. Giving them enough money to feed themselves, be clothed, have a place to live, pay bills, and have enough left over to blow or save.

I have  two jobs, work about 55 to 60 hours a week, and make about $1200 to $1400 a month. (after taxes are taken out about $980 to $1100 a month is what is actually on my paychecks.) The bills I pay each month, $920. And I still live with my parents. How the hell am I gonna be able to move out? My car will be paid off in May 2015, but still that doesn't really help with paying rent or buying food.  And I don't have a kid, other people do and make with much with two people working. And what about being young and hanging out with my friends. I shouldn't have to think twice about a buying a shirt that cost 15 bucks.

$11760 to $13200 is about what I make a year. The poverty line for a household of 1 person is $11670. I'm pretty much right on that line. I get sick or something and have to take a week or two off I'm under that line.

Again minimum wage  generally means that a person working forty hours a week, with no additional income, should be able to afford the basics for quality of life, food, utilities, transport, health care, and minimal recreation.

This post is about rising the minimum wage. 

Nothing will make me understand why average people are so against the minimum. I understand why big companies, small businesses, and rich people would say no to it. But the average person I will never understand.

Its not like the people will be paid for doing nothing. And there would be less people on government assistants that actually have jobs. (Don't even started about people who just plain refuse to work, that's not what I'm talking about.)

You can see in the comments on the video I have on the side people talking about about the few nice things the have even though the are getting assistants. Those are small one time purchases. If you're poor you're not allowed to have any nice things, that's what those people are saying.

Do I think fast food workers need to make $15 an hour. No, I don't. I've worked at a Burger King for a year making $7.25 an hour working about 40 hours each week. Working fast food is not a hard job, you don't really have to think hard about what you're doing. But it can be a stressful job. Most people that came through treat you like you aren't worth any thing. I have been called stupid and retarded countless times. Been yelled at. All the while thinking, you know you haven't got your food yet.

But I do believe that the minimum wage should be high enough so the people working 35 to 40 hours a week would make enough money so they won't feel like they are making life decisions when filling up their car or treating themselves to new clothes.

My parents will most likely tell me to go in the next year or two. I'm almost in my mid twenties, then comes those thirties. 7 years and some months and I'll be 30! When I move out I shall apply for government assistants with no shame. I've gotten to the point where I don't buy anything without saying how many hours of work its worth. 

Plus the is inflation and all that jazz. Getting paid $2 an hour in the 1960's could buy you way more than what $7.25 could buy you now. You hear older people talk all the time about how candy used to be 5 cents. In the 90s gas was less than $2 a gallon. 

In January I'ma look for a third job to do over night. Be on that hustle. 

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