1. We had it all.

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Niall sat the stick onto the counter and sat back on the edge of the tub, he put his head into his hands, waiting for the timer to go off. He really didn’t know what to think at this point, as well as if Harry even wanted kids. They weren’t even married yet, only engaged, he thought that after they got married and settled down then they would have children; but not now.

Niall’s legs were shaking as he waited, the longest two minutes that he ever had to wait. He was nervous, he didn’t want this to happen, at least not now. The timer went off and he rubbed his hands over his pants before he got up to look at the results.

He picked up the stick and there was a little pink plus sign; he was pregnant. Niall let his head drop into his hands, huffing as a tear or two fell from his eyes. How was he going to tell Harry? What would Harry even feel? Would Harry want to keep the baby? Did Niall even want to keep it?

But then he started to think about what his life would be like with a baby. Of course he wanted to keep it, but he also wanted to keep Harry. He only hopped that Harry would want to keep them.

He was scared to tell Harry. He knew that much, but he had no idea if it was more from regular nerves or Harry’s answer.

He heard the front door slam shut, “Niall, honey, I’m home!” Harry’s voice bellowed through the house. Niall quickly got rid of the pregnancy test and washed his hands before he ventured on down the stairs.

Harry was in the kitchen, starting dinner, when Niall sat down on the barstool at the counter. He put his head into his hands, and sighed loudly.

“Ohh, hello there,” Harry cooed at his cuddly looking fiance.

“Hi babe,” Harry pecks his lips and rubs at his sides, “how was your day?”

“It was alright, how are you feeling? Stomach still queasy?”

Niall nodded, “I haven’t vomited today, so I guess it was just a stomach bug,” Niall spoke, lying through his teeth. He didn’t like lying to Harry, but there really wasn’t anything he could do, he was afraid of the reaction that he may get from Harry.

Harry nodded, smiling and kissing Niall’s fluffy blonde hair. “That’s good, glad you’re feeling at least a little better, then.” He went back to the food he’d left and continued to get dinner ready.

Niall sat, watching Harry closely. Harry was as close to perfect as Niall had ever known anyone to be, and he thought in the back of his mind that Harry would take the news well, but everytime he opened his mouth to say anything, his stomach clenched and his heart rate picked up. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t take the rejection that Harry may give him.

All of the building stress was starting to eat away at his insides and Niall shot off of the stool and into the bathroom, falling onto his knees and spewing the contents of his already empty stomach into the bowl.

He heard the heavy thud of Harry walking in his direction and sat on his bum with his back against the wall, putting his knees up to his chest and his head on top of them.

“Babe, you okay?” Harry questioned, sitting on the floor beside Niall and pulling him into his side. “Thought you said you were feeling better?” Harry was slightly worried. Niall had been sick for the entire week and didn’t seem to be getting any better. “Maybe we should go to the doctor tomorrow. I can take off,” he suggested, moving Niall’s hair from his clammy forehead.

Niall shook his head. “No, I’m fine. It was just the smell of everything so suddenly, most likely. No need for doctors, it’ll pass in a few days,” he said quickly, panicking slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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