Chapter Three

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Julia's POV

It was Tuesday after school and Michael and Calum were over at Luke and I's place playing FIFA. I sang along to the Mayday Parade song that was playing from our speakers as I watched the boys verse each other.

"You have a really nice voice," Michael says, all of a sudden.

"What?" I say, a little startled by what Michael just said to me.

"You have a really nice voice," Michael repeated, slowly this time.

"Oh uh, thanks."

After about half an hour of Luke and Calum losing against Michael I got dragged into this. "Hey Julia, you should play," Luke says, not taking his eyes away from the screen.

"But you have to be on my team!" Michael says.

"Fine." I grab another controller and we set the game up for four players.

Michael turns to me, "You better be good."

"I can't promise you anything but I do play," I say, raising my eyebrow.

After what felt like hours the game finally ends and Michael jumps up from the coach. "YES!" He gave me a hi five.

"You guys were cheating!" Calum points at us.

"This was a bad idea," Luke shakes his head. "I wasn't expecting you to be good!"

"I told you: I pretty much spend my life playing FIFA," Michael replies, setting the controller down. In full honesty, it didn't really bother me much if I won or lost, it was really just a game. I got up from the couch and into the kitchen. I take out a packet of Tim Tams and bring it into the lounge where the boys were deciding on whether or not to play again.

Michael's phone starts to ring from his jeans pocket just as I sat down and he answered it. "Hello?"

I could hear someone talk quickly on the other end of the phone and Michael replied again, "No, I'm at...someone's house." I could tell he was debating with himself if he is allowed to call Luke, Calum and I his 'friends'.

"Oh um, sorry. I'll be there soon," Michael talks quickly and hung up the phone. He gets up from the couch, collecting all his things and rushing to the door. "It was really nice to hang out with you guys but it turns out that I have work."

"I thought you said you didn't have work today?" Calum says.

"Yeah but turns out I do. My uncle is pretty angry at me - according to Ashton."

"Your uncle?" I was slightly confused.

"He owns the pizza parlour I work at," Michael explains, quickly. I open the door for him and he takes a step outside. "Thanks for everything, I'll see you tomorrow!" Michael calls over his shoulder.

"Wait, how are you going to get there?" I call out to him from my doorstep. "You have no ride."

"I'll walk! It's not too far!" Michael says and he was already a few meters past the next house.

"Umm...okay. Bye!"

"That guy is so strange," Calum raises both his eyebrows up after I close the door.

"But he's kinda cool I guess," Luke shrugs, gobbling down another TimTam.

"I have to agree with both of you. He's weird...but cool."


Just as I was about to snuggle up in bed and read my book, the doorbell rings. I sit there for a while in hope that Luke would get the door but then remembered that he was in the shower. I climbed out of bed and put my book down, running downstairs just as the doorbell rings again.

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