Chapter, 44

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'I want to play the game!' I grunted and crossed my arms over my chest when the mobile asked me about the password again. Why do people have to set passwords?

I punched in several combinations of numbers and letters but all in vain. My heart leapt out of my chest when I heard footsteps coming at this way. 'Oh no.' I quickly hid the phone behind the cushion and flicked the tv on.

He sat on the sofa and searched for his phone. I ignored him and continued gazing at the tv interestingly watching a commercial. 'Did you see my phone?' He asked.

I shook my head in no. He picked up two cushions and when he picked up the third one, he sighed in relief and sat on the couch making me bounce because of his weight.

I pretended a yawn and peeked over his screen. '7v11' he typed the code. I instantly drew back to my position and gawked at the  television screen.

The streaming sunlight intruded and woke me up. I opened my eyes but shut them at the very moment. I blinked until they adjusted and rolled to my side.

His angelic face in a deep sleep stretched a wide smile on my face. He breathed evenly and looked relaxed. Not wanting to disturb him, I gripped his hand that draped loosely around my waist and tried to picked it up rather he tightened it more. His other arm was under his pillow and our legs were tangled into a mess.

'Why you're always in a hurry huh?' He spoke in a ragged tone.

'Cause I'm a morning person I guess?' I lied. Never in hell I'd be a morning person. If it wouldn't be SAB training, then I'll never get used of waking up five in the morning but today, it had gone way past five. It would be seven or eight in the morning.

'You forgot the times we all eight had to wake you up with water? And you call yourself a morning person?'

'Well that was before and it's now.' I answered. His eyes were still closed. Our faces were merely inches apart. His warm breath sent tingling sensation down my spine. Just move an inch, and our nose tips would be touching.

'I don't feel any difference.' He stated.

'I do. A lot.' I said after a long pause and shifted to lay on my back instead of my side and faced the ceiling. His hand on my stomach. 'Sometimes I just want this shit to stop. I mean like wouldn't it'd be fun if we'd had simple lives, we'd be simple teenagers, met in a school , fell in love with each other, grow up like a normal people, married and stuff.' I turned my head to his side and found him staring at me intensely. 'Don't you want it?'

'No.' He said simply and leant back on his back staring at the ceiling.

'Why?' I asked, perplexed by his answer.

'Because I don't know if I'll ever be happy than I am right now. I know it sucks , being here , figuring shit out while other teenagers might be drinking their heads up, having fun but deep within , I like it just how it is. What's with thinking if you can't change it? You can't be normal just by thinking it.'

'You can't grow like normal people and what's fun with being normal huh? And no one's normal. They all are struggling, just like us. Figuring shit out, losing people, hating and cursing their lives, praying to be like someone else instead of being normal. I don't see myself any different from them not that I want to. I believe in karma and I am fine  with my life cause it's not about how you change it , it's about how you embrace it.' He confessed and turned his head to look at me. 'And Elsa Stone, I am happy.'

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