Someone's Someone - Chapter Thirty Five

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I don't think I am going to look at my loofah in quite the same way ever again. Last night, Danny and I had fun. Slow and watery fun.

We crudely kissed.

We tantalisingly touched.

Not making love, just simply fooling around together with our love. Danny is not quite ready for amorous sex just yet, but he's certainly capable of some amorous play. So as I lay here, in the crook of his arm, I am happy. I don't think I have ever felt more whole being in a mans arms as I do being in Danny's. I am lying here, with a permanent smile on my lips, thinking how dizzily fast I have fallen in love with him. I think if I allowed myself to dwell on just how fast it did happen, common sense would actually try to talk me out of it.

But I don't dwell.

I just keep on smiling.

Because, it has happened.

It's real.

So amazingly real.

"Your smiling has woken me up." Danny sleepily says with a groggy, drawn out groan.

"I'm happy smiling." Is my overly cheery reply as I bring my shoulders higher so I can see him better.

His finger rolls around in pleasurable little circles on my shoulder, tiredly smiling. "Well, it's lovely to wake up to your happy smiling." He softly tells me, still stroking my skin with all those sensuous circles that I absolutely now adore him doing.

My skin relishes the way his fingers worship me. Relish how they divinely make me feel. I can't even answer him, I just lower my head onto Danny's chest, enjoying all the attention he caressingly continues to give.

This man and all of his glorious fingers, are now mine.

That makes me take a large and savouring breath. It makes me quietly become so full of euphoria. A euphoria that fills my head with dizzy daydreams of our future and a warm fuzziness in my heart.

Danny is mine.

Always mine.

I no longer feel like I am nursing an injured animal back to health before it has to be released back into the wild again.

Danny is staying.

Always staying.

"I wish my mum was here to meet you." Our content silence is soon mindfully broken by Danny. "She would have loved you."

Smiling up at him, my attentive answer to Danny is one that wants to welcome the sweet and sudden thoughts of his mother. "Through you, I feel like I have already met a part of her." I quietly tell him.

Danny smiles as he inhales gently. "She really would have loved you, Henna. You're everything that she wanted me to find in a woman." His eyes now gaze all over my face, causing his smile to grow. "Your kindness. Your loyalty. Your gentleness. Your humour. Your curls. Mum would have loved everything about you." He says, now letting his gaze rest only on my eyes.

"You miss her, don't you?" I ask, resting my hand upon his chest, able to now feel the beautiful beats of his pining heart. 

Nodding softly, Danny says. "I miss the conversations we never got to have together. I miss her laughter. Mum used to laugh a lot. She saw the funny side to everything." He soon falls silent, a ghost of a smile now present on his mouth. "Yeah, I miss her laugh. It was a laugh that should have been bottled to cheer up anyone who was having a really bad day."

Resting my chin on his chest, my splayed hand can still feel his heart calmly beating against it. "She will always be in here, Danny." My hand gently taps where his heart so warmly is. "She will always be with you in here."

Taking hold of my hand, he then brings it up to his lips, appreciatively kissing it. "It's so nice to be able to finally talk to someone about her. To share what memories I have of her, with someone." Again, he kisses my hand.

So very touched, my fingers squeeze his as my smile softly widens. "I will always be here, Danny. I will always listen."

Pulling me more into his space. His very own personal space. That space, soon becomes our space.



Intimately ours.

"I have fallen in love with you, Henna...and I think I am going to keep on falling in love with you until the day that I die." He then kisses me. Delicate yet devoted.

There are times when Danny can be so bravely strong, but there are rare times when he's just like a lost little boy, who is trapped in a beautiful mans body. This is one such time. Danny hasn't been allowed to grieve properly for his mum. He hasn't been allowed to talk about the mother that she wonderfully used to be. In me, Danny has now found someone he can trust and confide in. His tingling kiss expresses all of his gratitude and all of his joy for having that in me.

So we kiss.

Kiss with desire.

Kiss with hope.

Kiss with respect.

Kiss with love.

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