Chapter 2

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After we ordered and were sat down, we got right to talking.

"So lately, I've been thinking..." Ricky said.

"Mhm?" I said while taking a sip of my iced tea.

"Maybe us breaking up wasn't the best idea." He paused. "I was looking at all our videos and selfies and stuff and I just miss it."

"Oh trust me, I feel the same way." I said.

"I just don't know if I'm ready to be in a relationship again..." He said.

"It's fine. I understand where you're coming from."

"Also, people have been asking me where you've been, the last time you made a video was in April and your last tweet was May 14th, maybe you should fix that."

"When I get home I'll film a video, and I'll tweet right now that I am not dead." I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

@AlanaFranta: I am not dead. New video later and I apologize for my lack of social media use.

"There." I said as I showed Ricky the tweet I just sent. He smiled and chuckled.

"It's good to know that you're not dead, and I'm sure they'll appreciate the video. What is it gonna be about?" He asked.

I sighed. "I honestly have no idea... Q&A perhaps?"

"That reminds me, I haven't done a Q&A in forever." He said.

We talked and drank our tea for about 45 more minutes.

"Wanna come to my apartment and we can hang out after I film?" I asked

"Sure!" He said.

We got up and walked out of the building.

"Do you want a ride to your apartment or am I just gonna meet you there?" He asked smiling when he saw me walk past the parking lot.

"Oh yeah, a ride would be nice..." I said running back and hopping into the front seat.

I tweeted out for people to send me questions.

@AlanaFranta: Send me questions using the #AskAlana new video will probably be out tomorrow

Once we were back at my apartment, I started getting ready for fimling, I changed my clothes into a tanktop and these really comfy black shorts, I painted my nails, and did my hair and makeup. Ricky watched Supernatrual on Netflix while I got ready.

"Okay I'm gonna film now, can you turn that down, or mute, or something?"

"It took you a long time to get ready." He said pressing the mute button.

"Well, I wanna look good for my comeback to YouTube." I said as I changed my phone case to match my outfit.

I set up my camera and pulled a barstool in front of it. "Hey guys! It's Alana! And it's been forever since I filmed a video on this channel, or any other channel for that matter..."

I picked up my phone from my lap and tappped on the first question "Who's your man candy Monday?" I glanced at Ricky for the quickest second. "Tyler Damn Oakley." I said kicking my leg up and snapping.

"Anything exciting coming in the future?" I read as a bunch of new tweets were sent in. "I have nothing planned yet, just a bunch of new videos because of my lack of others. I'll keep you guys updated though!" I smiled. I was so smiley today. Probably because of Ricky. Something about that boy made me smile so much.

I was reading the questions and Ricky snuck up behind me and hugged me. "Boo!" He yelled. I didn't see it coming so he startled me.
I screamed and laughed.
"I just video-bombed" He said walking out of the shot and sat back on the couch.

I answered about 6 more questions, made up an outro on the spot and shut off the camera.

"Well. I'm done. We can hang out now and stuff." I said pushing my barstool back in front of the counter and going to sit with him on the couch.
"Can we talk about us?" He asked, a smirk blooming on his face.
I nodded and we began to talk for hours.
"I regret the breakup. I miss you so much." He said.
"I miss you too." I said, tears starting to swell up in my eyes, a lump forming in my throat. "I've been depressed." I choked, letting a tear slip.
"I never knew that." He said hugging me.
"It's okay. I'm fine." I lied. Ricky's muscular arms made me feel so warm and sound. As he let go he let a hand run limply down my arm.
I bit my bottom lip. "Should we get back together?" I asked.
"I don't know if I'm ready yet. I'm sorry. I still love you though. Maybe soon?"
Right then and there, I lost myself, there were tears spewing out of my eyes.
He shed a single tear. I'd never seen him cry before, him crying made me feel worse about myself because I felt like it was my fault.
He sniffed and wiped his few tears away. He caressed my cheek. "I love you." He said.
"I love you too," I said as I wiped my face and nose with the tissues on the coffee table. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you so much for coming over."
"Thank you for inviting me. I have to go. Sorry."
I watched his car drive away, and just like that, all my happiness was gone.

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