Senseless Ranting

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Runs so deep

I keep it hidden away

Disguised behind a smile

No-one sees

No-one hears

It wouldn't matter if they did

There is no-one I can lean on

All would turn away

Nearly everyone in my life

Past or present

Family, friend or foe

Each has played a part

In breaking me

Tearing out my heart

Blackening my soul

Such a precious few

On whom I can rely

But those few

Those few that care

That honestly love me

Love me for who I am

Not who I'm forced to be

Do they deserve the weight

Of my problems

Of my stress, my depression


A thousand times no

They certainly do not

Those that treat me so kindly

They have their own lives

Their own families

Their own stresses

Why would I

How could I

Add my misery

To their own

My emotions are a tidal wave

They wash over me

Flow all around me

Until I fear I'll drown

What have I done

Have I lived life so wrong

Maybe I deserve it all

These things that cause such pain

They each take turns

Beating me down

With their words

Berating me

Do they want me gone

Out of their lives

So many years they've spent

Trying to mold me

Change me

Reprogram me

Into who they thought I should be

But that person isn't good enough either

Deep down I know better

Yet some days it feels as if I have no-one

No-one to turn to

When the pain gets so bad

Sometimes I am so lonely

Senseless RantingWhere stories live. Discover now