The Rainbow

61 1 0

July 15


“What is with that look of concentration?” asked my sponsor.

“I am trying to see the gray.”

“The gray?” she queried.

“Yes, I heard at the meeting that between black and white there is a lot of gray.”

“Ah.  Well, my darling, I don’t want you to have black and white thinking, but what lies between black and white are all the colors, the full spectrum.”

“What am I to do with this information?  What do I do with all those colors?” I asked in shock and confusion.

“For right now, just remember that all the colors aren’t blue.”

Set out your clothes and plan their day.


Blocks or Points

The decision must be made; would I rather be criticized

for having done something that is imperfect

or be criticized for having done nothing at all.

Disapproval from others is not possible to prevent.

What I do in anticipation of it is in my control.

I can spend life running from trouble,

chasing peace through underachievement.

Or I can step-up knowing that gravity works

always to pull me down

and that this is neither gift nor burden,

it is simply fact. 

I must choose when I will stop tripping

over stumbling blocks

and realize them to be turning points.

You are reading selections from Sober on the Way to Sane and More Lines From My Life by Sherrie Theriault

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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