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The group sat around a monopoly board, after their previous decisions. No one wanted to play Seven Minutes In Heaven- besides Tony- so you all took out a random board game. You were currently winning. Clint was in "second place". As for Tony.. he was in last. No wonder he didnt want to play monopoly.

"How do you do it, (Y/N)?" Clint asked sarcastically. "So rich!" He added, looking over at Tony.

"Why, my dear Clint, it just happens." You responded, trying to mock Tony's voice. Tony growled at this.

Sure the way all of you were playing the game was like you were friends- and you were- but you and Clint had a idea. You two were going to tease Tony until he gave up.

After a couple more minutes, Tony was clearly getting frustrated. "How can I lose some stupid game about money?"

"I dont understand either." Clint chuckled.

"You're a billionaire, why arent you a billionaire in this game?" You smirked.

"Shut up!" Tony groaned. "You dont know anything."

"Oh she does, she's richer than you." Sam chuckled.

"Not in real life!" Tony crossed his arms.

"Are you sure about that? What if she's secretly a trillionaire? What are you hiding (Y/N)?" Natasha smirked. Tony glared at her.

Tony got up and left without a word. You and Clint highfived, Sam, Natasha, and Bucky chuckled, and Steve watched him leave.

"Okay. I'll admit, that was fun, but now its gonna be no fun." You huffed.

"Agreed." Clint smiled.

You guys packed up, and put the game away. It wasnt done. You guys decided to have a little "slumber party". You guys took almost all the alchohol from the bar. You guys were drunk, laughing, and joking.

"You know what we should do..?" Clint smirked.

"What? That stupid closet game?" You asked.

"No! Something less.. dumb." Clint placed a empty beer bottle down. Thor blinked.

"What? What are you talking about?" Loki asked.

"Spin the bottle!?" Sam burst out. "We're not teenagers!"

"We're drunk. And we want funnnnn..." Clint slurred.

"What's spin the bottle?" Steve asked.

"Oh.. poor Cap.. so old." You smiled. "It's a game where you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on, you have to kiss." Steve blushed.

"C'mon.. why are there you guys always bringing up games that have to do with romance?" Sam asked. "Why cant we just play truth or dare.. or somethin'?"

"Because it's fun." Clint chuckled.

I want to thank everyone for reading the book! I know, I missed Bruce and Peter, but I have reasons. I'm not interested in Bruce that much, I dont know much about his character due to that. If I wrote a chapter for him, his character wouldn't be right. For Peter, it wouldn't make sense for two 15 year olds to play with 35-50 year olds.

I'm really glad you enjoyed this book though! I may make a follow up book, and may add new characters (although it wouldn't make sense). Ily guys! Have a good day/night!
rose lynn ❤

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