Maybe do you want dinner if you have time?

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The cinema? Or maybe a picnic? Or a dinner? Dean rubbed his forehead. It was early in the morning a couple of days after the soccer match. Dean was lying at his bed, throwing a bouncing ball up in the air, repeatedly.

After Anna had encouraged him to ask Cas out he'd acted cool, but in reality he was freaking out. He'd asked tons of not only girls, but boys, out in the past. However, he'd never been this nervous about it before. It helped that he knew Cas was gay. He'd made the mistake of asking out a straight boy, since what he'd though was a crush was no more than a bromance, more than once before. Dean had considered asking Sam, or maybe even Anna for help, but he didn't want to show anyone how nervous he was. He would have to do this by himself.

Dean glanced at his watch and sighed. He was getting late for school. He hurried to put some clothes on before heading upstairs, where Sam was already standing, ready to go.

"Just a sec, Sammy", he said as he headed into the kitchen to grab a quick bite. Sam narrowed his eyes, looking suspiciously at him.

"You just got out of bed, didn't you?" He said.

"Nooo, what on earth gives you that idea?" Dean spotted a bag of bagels on the table. He grabbed it and walked past Sam, who was standing in the doorway, to fetch his keys.

Sam didn't reply, just rolled his eyes, before following Dean outside. Dean wasn't as late as he had feared he would be, when he pulled into Cas' driving way. Cas was already standing there, but then again, he always was.

"Hello Dean. Sam." Cas nodded to the kid in the back seat as he gracefully climbed in to the passenger's one. He took of his bag, and placed it in his lap.

"Hi Cas", he smiled. The first couple of days, Sam had complained at Cas getting to ride in the passenger's seat while he had to sit alone in the back, but he seemed to have accepted it by now.

Dean turned the car around, and started driving towards their school.

"How are things with Jess?" Cas asked as he put on his seatbelt. Dean looked surprised at him.

"You've told him about Jess? When?" He was puzzled. He couldn't remember that conversation.

"Yesterday", Sam said frowning. "In this very car. You were there." He leaned forwards and stuck out his neck, so that his head was right beside Dean's. Dean didn't find that annoying at all.

Dean just nodded. He must had spaced out.

"You've seemed a little distant lately", Cas said thoughtfully. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine", Dean replied, glancing sideways at him.

"So how are things with Jess?" Cas asked again, turning around in his seat so that he faced Sam. Dean envied him. He could never do that without getting carsick.

"Very good, actually." Sam said. Dean could see him smiling through the mirror. "I was on my second date with her last night, and it went really well."

"You've went out with her? Twice?" Dean asked. He couldn't remember that conversation either.

"Jesus, Dean!" Sam exclaimed, throwing his arms up frustrated. "Do you ever listen when I tell you things?"

"Of course I do", Dean protested. "Did you get into that ballet class you signed up for last week, by the way?"

"Haha, very funny", Sam mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"It is, and you know it", Dean said. He smirked at his smaller brother through the mirror and drummed his fingers drumming on the wheel as he drove.


Dean picked up a slice of pie lying in front of him, and looked at it. He was full, but he poorly wanted to eat some more. He moaned. He felt like he was gonna throw up. On the other hand, though, this pie was really good. Before he could rethink his decision, he quickly stuffed the pie into his mouth, receiving impressed looks from the others at the table.

"Woah, isn't that your eight slice, or something?" Uriel asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Ninth", Dean groaned. He clutched his hurting stomach. Not a good idea, he thought.

Uriel let out a small whistle.

School had finished that day, and he was sitting at a table in the schoolyard with Uriel, Cas, Anna and Rachel. They'd gone to a nearby drugstore and bought some Coke and, to Dean's satisfaction, pie. 

Across the schoolyard, he could see some boys making their way over to a car. Dean recognized them. It was Crowley and his friends. He could see Alistair laugh about something Crowley had told him.

Dean had barely seen Crowley during the last weeks. He only shared English with the boy, whom often skipped the class. Even though they also were on the same football team, Crowley never approached him, to Dean's relief.

Dean flinched as he heard his message tone. He unlocked his phone and read the text. It was from Anna.

'Have you asked Cas out yet? ;)'

He looked up at her. She sat with her phone under the table and tried to imitate the winky face from her text. Dean rolled his eyes.

'Shut up', he texted back. Anna looked down again some seconds later and frowned as she read the text.

"It's getting late and I have to do some homework", Rachel said tapping her watch, interrupting Dean and Anna's texting.

"Yeah, I should probably do some, too", Uriel agreed, before swallowing the rest of his Coke.

Cas raised an eyebrows at him. "Since when do you do your homework?" He asked, making Dean laugh.

Uriel didn't respond, just stuck his out tongue at him.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow", Anna said as they rose up and collected their trash.

"Bye", Rachel waved and walked over to her bike, locked to a fence not far away.

Cas and Dean walked over to the Impala. As Cas got into the car Dean looked at where Crowley had been standing, noticing he now was gone. It was something about that boy that worried him. He shrugged it off and climbed into the driver's seat.

They sat in silence most of the ride. Dean's head was full of thoughts, and Cas wasn't very talkative that day, either. Not that he usually was. He just stared out of the window. Sam was at Gabriel's house, so it was just the two of them in the car.

"I've got to talk to you", Dean said quietly as he pulled up Cas' driveway.

Cas shrugged. "Sure." After some seconds of silence, he raised his eyebrows at Dean, waiting for him to continue.

"I, ehm-", Dean started. Oh, come on! He thought. You've run through this a thousand times in your head.

"Do you maybe happen to have any plans today?" He asked, looking at his knees. He started pulling in a loose thread from his sweater. "Tonight, I mean."

"No, I don't", Cas replied. Dean looked up, and saw a small smile form on the boy's lips.

"So do you want to eat?" What?! "With me. In a restaurant or something."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Cas asked, leaning a little closer.

Dean raised his chin, feeling more confident. "Do you want it to be a date?"

"Yeah, I do", Cas replied matter-of-factly.

"You have no idea how glad I am to hear that", Dean admitted, making Cas chuckle. "I'll pick you up at 6. Is that okay?"

Cas nodded as he opened the car door and stepped out.

"Great", Dean smiled. Just as Cas slammed the door shut, he called after him. "Wear something pretty!"

The demanding life of a teenager [Destiel AU]Where stories live. Discover now