Battle Field

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Author Note: Wow, it's been a while hasn't it? Well, I'm still alive, haha. The story has a few more chapter left, and I promise I'll get them up soon! For more, enjoy, comment, love, share. :p

Hiccup's P.O.V
I opened my eyes to a still very dark room. Last night was mostly spend packing a few bags for Toothless for today's little outing. I stretched and rolled over a little to look put the window toward the sun. It was just beginning to rise in the sky. Only a little beam of light could be seen.

I never thought I would see the day that I would be getting up at that time. I rolled back over and sat up to stretch my arms. (Y/n) slept next to me, not yet awake. We agreed to leave at 5:00 for Outcast Island. Usually, getting ready and getting to the meeting point would only take 10-15 minutes. Most morning I was in a rush anyway, and Toothless was the fastest dragon on Berk. So getting places fast was nothing new, or hard for me.

I leaned down and searched for (y/n). Once I found her face, I brushed the hair out of the way and kissed her temple. She moved a little and reached out toward me. "Are you going?" She asked, words slurring from sleep. "Yes." I replied sounding more awake then her.

She stayed quiet, and I began to think she fell back asleep. But her voice came again, "I don't want you to go." I laughed a little, still close. "But I have to. Remember our promise to each other? I'll come back."

She leaned closer and buried her face into crook of my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me in the process. "Be safe." She mumbled, still clearly exhausted. "Ok, I have to go now. I love you." She pulled back slightly to look at me. "I love you too." She searched in the dark to find my lips with hers. She hit my chin, then slid up to meet my lips, while I went down to meet them quicker. When our lips touched, I melted into it a little. Something I didn't do a lot, given it wasn't "manly" but it was hard not to.

In the quietness of the room, I could hear each kiss break with a soft pop. The sound was enchanting, and I was starting to not want to leave. With one final deep kiss, I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. "I'll be back before you know it. Now get some sleep... For all three of us." I rested a hand on her stomach and rubbed my thumb on it. She nodded, slowly drifting off again. "Bye Hiccup." I kissed her head one last time then pulled the covers back.

Once free from their warmth, I pulled the covers back over (y/n) and grabbed some clothes. Getting dressed didn't take that long. I slid a long sleeve shirt over my head. It was thicker than my other ones, so it would keep me warmer. Then I simply put my normal armor on over it, and before I knew it, I was heading outside with Toothless. One my way out, I stopped and grabbed my helmet. It looked like it was going to be a cold day.

The sky was dark and the outside world was not cold, but freezing. Toothless crooned and nudged my back. "You ready bud?" I asked rubbing his head. "Because I'm sure not." I added in a mumble. The dragon tilted his head a little and nudged me again as if saying it would be ok. "Thanks bud." I managed a smile with a small laugh.

After taking a deep breath and putting on my helmet, I climbed on Toothless and took off. The sooner this was done, the quick I could be home again. I flew out to the meeting spot near the beach. That's the spot where my mother told me and everyone else to meet. I figured that maybe that's also where the winds were.

As I flew, a thought crossed my mind. Did mom ever visit the island of Berk? If she had flown past on the winds, then she had to have seen the island. But how would no one ever not notice a giant dragon. Knowing that she might have been there as I grew up was somewhat comforting.

My eyes began to water over slightly. Thinking about the past could be hard. Instead of dwelling on the past, I shook my head slightly and tried to focus on what I was suppose to be doing. The beach came into view, approaching fast.

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