A note from the author

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Thanks for reading Ursula's Beginning! 

If you enjoyed this story, PLEASE go back and vote on the chapters--and tell your fellow Disnerds about it! This project took me the better part of two years, and anything you do to bring more readers to my page would be so appreciated. 

Also, comment here if you'd like to see more "adult Disney" backstories. I've got some ideas brewing, and I'd like to hear which worlds you'd like to see expanded upon or rewritten. Beauty and the Beast? More Ursula? (There's 16 years between this story and TLM.) Something else?

Thanks again!


October 6, 2018

My deepest thanks to everyone that supported this story, particularly in its early days. Writing can be discouraging and lonely work. Anything you can do to be kind to yourself, or to another writer, is never wasted! 

Ursula won a Watty!!!!! and yet the work is only beginning. I'll do some serious editing in late 2018 or early 2019, so send me your honest feedback. 

It could be awhile before I post another story because I want to do it "right" this time--I want to have the whole thing written before I upload a single chapter. In the pipeline is a "Beauty and the Beast" retelling (the version we know and love is a fairytale that Belle has been charming us with since childhood...), a Captain Hook tale, and a novel with all original characters that has nothing to do with Disney for once. I have no idea in what order these might be produced, or what their lengths might be. I feel like Jafar needs a backstory, and like I need a few more lifetimes to write. And to read. I suspect you all know what I mean. :)

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