Growing Up

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     As we grow up we don't realize we're actually growing up. Our lives start as we walk into the school on our first day of going to school and our lives keep on going as we lose friends and we move up in school. We grow up so fast until it's unrealistic. I wish I could go back and relive all the good and bad things that made me who I am today. At this very moment I have realized that my entire life has passed in front of me and I still can't grasp what has happened to make my life go by so fast. Then I realize it's time. Time won't freeze for us to stay a certain age forever, and if time would freeze we would never grow up and see what our lives will be. We all don't want bad things to happen to us but the bad things is what makes us strong the good things is what makes us. alive. Growing up sucks  if I could freeze time I would for a few hours so I could be stuck in a moment, but I wouldn't because then I would never know what's ahead of me. Even though growing up sucks its a good thing. Just remember you don't have to grow completely you can still be a kid at heart.

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