Chapter 5

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Lovely's POV

School was pretty cool, alot of my classes were fun and the kids were funny. Marena hung out with some of the new people she mate, she wanted me to go with but I made up me having to do something. Its not that i dont want to hang with marena it just her with her new friends they tend to forget im there because Im stand offish. I get home and my moms car is here and the house door wide open. "Ma Im home and the door was wide open ... again." I state, walking into the living room. "Wtf stacey yo you didnt tell me you had a daughter." I roll my eyes and stump to my room and slam the door. I take out my lavender journal that I call KMS (keep my secrets) and started writing. My life is a shambles . Why cant i just get a job and she gets a NORMAL JOB ! I love her but why cant she see how this is effecting me. I wish I knew my father. I stop writing and lay my head on my pillow, and close my eyes and dream.  I felt a hand over my mouth and a tounge sliding down my my face on my ear. I was panicking i had no idea who was attacking me, my room was pitch black. " Okay listen you black ugly bitch you gonna get on yo knees and suck this dick, if you scream or make any noises Ill cut your black ugly ass up." The deep voice I remember from the dude who was with my mom. He pushed me to down to my knees and pulled his dick out trying to force my face toward it. " Please sir I c...can't, I... I dont want to." I cried to him. He slappedvme and told me to stop talk and do it. I was shaking and crying as i opened my mouth and taseted him it was horriable every thrust he made i shed tears, what kind of men would do this and why?   He left and went into my mom room, and i ran into the bathroom and tried to brush my teeth off. That night  I slept in the tube. 

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