Interview with Lydia161290!

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Hey! Today I will be interviewing Lydia161290!

Me: So, Lydia is your real name im assuming?

Lydia: Yep!

Me: What was the first book you wrote on Wattpad?

Lydia: Today Tomorrow Forever!

Me: Cool! What inspired you to write Today Tomorrow Forever?

Lydia: Nothing really, I just started writing and it happened!

Me: Nice! What is your favorite book on Wattpad, not written by you?

Lydia: My Wattpad Love, hands down.

Me: Awesome! Do you like reading or writing better, and why?

Lydia: Probably reading. I love getting lost in a good book! :)

Me: Excellent! And do you have any advice to writers who are reading this?

Lydia: Write for you and because you enjoy it. im not good with advice, haha

Me: That is great advice!

Lydia: :P

Me: Well, to wrap things up, is there anything you would like to add before I go?

Lydia: I see dead people hahaha

Me: really?!

Lydia: no!

Me: hahah! Welll thanks for the laugh!

Lydia: Thanks for interviewing me!

Me: welcome! thanks for letting me!

Me: welll that wraps this interview up! keep watching for more interviews!

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