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today is just like the other days,

we stayed in the sad nerds club instead of going to the playground,

which is nice because it's great to listen to people

i am now alone in the club room since i am waiting for gerard to finish his classes

i already answered some questions and nothing of those is exciting so far,

most are just about their lovelife and how to get their crush notice them,

which i'm already sick of hearing so sometimes i just repeat my answers

there is also someone who asked me how to stop their weird pizza obssession,

which i believe is named pete wentz

"is there someone?"

i looked at the glass and saw gerard smiling

he knows that it's me

"yes," i said

"there's this girl i want to ask out tommorrow after class,

and i don't know how to ask her" he said,

"can you ask her for me?"


"great, her name is y/f/n"

he grinned widely

"she said she would love to go out with you tommorrow after class" i said

"great, tell her that she needs to go out now because we already need to go home"

"yep, she's going now"

i went out the room and see gerard already out the room too

"so, tommorrow?"


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