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It had been about a month since everyone found out about the political marriage and Bankirk had flipped out when finding out their dear warrior princess was leaving. The whole village showered you with gifts whenever going to the town. Even the blacksmiths tried giving you weapons but since you already had your two metal vessels, you had to kindly reject their offer.

The two metal vessels you wore were both a hairpin that crossed in your hair most of the time and if not, they would rest somewhere in your locks. Though the Djinns in them we're slight ass-holes but extremely loyal to you.

Getting ready for bed, you thought about the Kou empire arriving tomorrow and meeting your fiance. All your sisters were still pissed about this whole thing as they would have loved to marry the prince as you didn't know what they saw in him.

The only thing that lit your room up was a candle that constantly flickered. A knock at your door caused you to raise your head from the book. "Come in?" You said. Slowly the door opens and Ike pops in his head.

"Sister, can I stay with you tonight?" He asks quietly with the cutest face. You move and lift the blanket covers. Ike grins, closing the door behind him and jumping into your bed while cuddling next to his favorite sibling. "Do you have to leave tomorrow?"

"Ike, the Kous are coming tomorrow and frankly I don't have a choice but to go." You explained continuing through your book.

"But I don't want you to go." The little boy huffed causing you to laugh.

"I know but you get full rights to my room and stuff since I hate the others." You mutter and kiss his forehead. "Now go to sleep." Ike smiles before drifting off as you continuously read till the candle burnt out. Staying up late, most likely was your worst idea.


The whole house was in a panic as your father left to the docks and mother was trying to make everything perfect for the prince's arriving.

"Where is [Y/n]!" She practically screeched, looking over the lined up children only to realize that Ike was also gone. "My gods, she's still asleep! I told one of you to wake her up!" Your Mother growls, glaring at the twins.

"Whoops, we forgot!"

"More like wanting to make your sister look ridiculous." She groans, rubbing her forehead and sprinting towards your room.

A rather loud knock woke you from your sleep. "Go away, I'm sleeping." You yawn snuggling into the pillow. Ike giggles, slipping out of the bed and unlocking the door.

"Hi mama." He says in a sleepy voice.

"Morning love, [Y/n] get your ass up right now! We don't have time for this. Father will be returning any minutes with them and the women their taking isn't even ready."

"Everything I'm taking is at the docks already. Just let me sleep in, we aren't leaving till after lunch."

"[Y/n] Bankirk, you have 5 minutes to get ready. Come, Ike, I still need to get you prepared." She huffs, throwing the blinds open as you scream about it being too bright.

-At the docks-

"Why did you come again?" Kouha asks, looking at his half-sister. Kougyoku puffs out her cheeks and looks away.

"Because Onii-San said I could. Besides, I want to meet my future sister." The princess replies as they step off the boat.

"Welcome to Bankirk." A man in his mid 40's says. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Kouen."

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Otus. Afterall, I'm the one taking your daughter's hand in marriage." Kouen answers, noticing how chief paused for a minute.

Otus would have never thought to hear [Y/n] and marriage in the same sentence during his lifetime. "I hope my daughter isn't too much for you, my prince. She can be abit wild at times." That word didn't even come close to explain [Y/n].

"I would expect nothing less from a warrior such as her." Otus only hoped that everything was in order at home.

The trip towards his house went by too quickly, making chatter with the three princes and princess. Otus figured that his daughter and Kougyoku could get along, though [Y/n] wasn't much of a shopper or as lady like as the princess.

"You have a lovely home, lord Otus." Koumei states while looking at the establishment. It was surround by nature and was very old style much to the prince's liking.

"Thank you, my wife takes proud in living here." Opening the door, the village chief knew something was wrong.

"Welcome home father! Welcome to our home your majesty." His sons, daughters, and wife say in sync. The children were lined up in oldest to youngest, Ike had the unforgettable grin on his face when seeing the horror on his father's face. [Y/n] was nowhere to be seen.

"She had one job and she couldn't even do that." Otus mutters, pressing his hand to his face. His wife giggles, introducing herself to princes.

"Hello, my princes and princess. I am Ava, Otus' wife." Your mother starts, going to gesture at the children behind her. "Our oldest son, Aaron, Isabella, her twin, Adam, Soph, Oliva and Our youngest, Ike."

"Ehhh? What about [Y/n]?" Kouha butts in, not seeing his 'amazing' future sister. Ava and Otus froze as Soph and Isabella giggle.

"Kouha! That's rude." Koumei mutters, looking towards his younger brother, hoping they didn't just offend the village rulers.

"She's in trouble." Olivia sang.

"Why am I not surprised, [Y/n] is never reliable." Aaron announces, having a rather bored look. In that moment the side door slams open.

"Shut it you fucking prick." The [h/c] haired women growls, pointing towards her older brother. "I had about enough of your shit today."

"This is the first time, you've seen him all day." Ike states, finding the fact that his sister isn't even in proper clothing hilarious.


Otus shook his head, ignoring the rather surprised expresses of his guests. "This is my daughter, her name is [Y/n]. She's very strong and a bundle of joy but she just can't her job of acting like a lady, even for one second." He mutters.

"Thanks, dad, I can feel the love." You huff, rolling your eyes till you noticed the new faces in the room. "Ohh, is this why everyone was freaking out this morning?" Ava looks at her daughter in disbelief as you point towards the royals like nothing was out of the ordinary.

"I'm sorry you had to meet her like this, but it's better for you to know now." Your mother informs.

"Our older sister is completely different from what I thought."

"You can say that again Kougyoku."

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