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You sighed, not wanting to go to dinner and deal with all your retarded siblings. You were the second eldest child of the village chief. Bankirk was one of the most famous villages known for always winning their wars and having some of the best blacksmiths. You would never consider yourself a princess, this village didn't even have a king and queen just someone who can look over the whole place and deal with problems.

Sliding the door open, you saw all the siblings there and the one you hated most. Your older brother.

"(Y/n)-Owee!" A little voice yelled and hugged your legs. Looking down you saw your littlest brother Ike, the one sibling who you liked

"Hai there Ike." You chuckled, patting his head before walking over to your seat.

"I'm hungry! Where's the food!" One of your siblings said. 

"Stupid we have to wait for mom and dad." Another one growled.

"But I'm hungry! Besides didn't they just come from the Kou empire?" Suddenly the door opened revealing your father and mother.

"MOM! DAD!" All the younger siblings yelled.

"Now, now. We can talk while eating, the Kou empire gave us something special!" Mother said, clapping her hands together. You couldn't help but notice the sad look she gave you.

As dinner went along with conversation, your father called out your name. You look at him, questioning. "What?"

"(Y/n)...I tried everything I could." Father said, sadly. Getting everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" One of your sister's asked. Out of his robes, Father took out a scroll. 

"We have decided to ally ourselves with the Kou empire. As the treaty has it, one of ours has to marry one of theirs." Your mother began.

"So let me get this right. You fucking gave me up to a political marriage?" You said, hurtfulness filled your voice.

"Pretty much. Though we-" Father started but was cut off by you slamming your hands on the table.

"Oh my gods, you really did! I can't believe this."

"(Y/n) can you shut up for a second and let us speak." Your mother asked, nicely. Slightly glare, you nodded while your siblings (besides Ike) looked about ready to laugh at your bad luck.

"You're one of our prized warriors and daughters, (Y/n). You have won countless battles for Bankirk, more than any of your siblings even when combined. Your father and I tried to do anything to get the Emperor to pick one of your other siblings to be married off to one of his daughters or sons." Your mother explained.

"But since he had heard of the great and beautiful (Y/n), who has never been beaten. Having millions bowing to her will in an hour. Won wars with the worst soldiers ever, who thought they were going to get killed. He wouldn't take no as an answer and we had no choice but to agree. Please understand if we could, we wouldn't have let it happen. He thinks you're the only one fitting to marry his son." Your Father ended.

"Fucking hell. So all I can do is agree now, great. I swear I'm going to be really pissed the fuck off if I'm being married off to a pussy, ass wimp." You reply.

"You certainly don't need to worry about that."

"What do you mean Mother?"

"(Y/n), your being married to Ren Kouen." There was a silent's in the room as your siblings grew shocked. All the girls stood up, slamming their hands on the table.


"Why her! She's so unlady-like!"

"I agree." You added.

"We tried explaining that to him but still wouldn't take no as an answer."

"May I be excused?" You asked. With a nod from mother, you got up and left the room. A sigh escaped your mouth. How could this fucking happen, being married off to a war prince? If they think they could easily tame you then they were wrong, oh so very wrong.


Kouen didn't know how to feel about this whole thing with marriage. All his siblings were reacting worse than he ever would. This was bound to happen at some point, he was a royal after all.

"I can't believe this!" Kouha yelled as they sat in Kouen's library. "There really forcing Brother En to get married! This is outrages." That's what everyone thought when they heard the announcement.

"Do you even know who his marrying?" Koumei asked.

"No and I don't care!"

"You should, Kouha. She will be your future Sister-in-Law." Kouen stated, looking up from the scroll he was reading.

"I don't want to think of that." Kouha muttered. With a sigh, he asked Koumei who this future sister of his was.

"From what we know of. (Y/n) (L/N) is one of the strongest warriors in Bankirk. She has never lost a battle or war, bring all her siblings to shame it seems nor do they seem to be on good terms." Koumei started.

"At least we know, she isn't useless and weak." Kouha says, still upset about this whole thing.

"She is beloved by many and is said to be one of the most beautiful women within that region. Though they say she isn't as lady-like as her siblings."

"I feel like I should hate her right now."

"Kouha you haven't met her yet." Kouen spoke up. He wasn't really into this whole thing either but at least his future wife was smart or so he hoped.

Not the Usual Political Marriage [Ren Kouen]Where stories live. Discover now