howdy <3

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every chapter of this book is either a short story, poem, or an excerpt based solely off of songs that i adore. typically, the excerpts will be written in a more down-to-earth style. no caps, no revisions, just pure scenarios with no specific characters, leaving more for you to relate to. 

the short stories are written properly, with good grammar, appropriate capitalizations, etc. most of my short stories have characters that have been given a personality. 

if you would like me to do a song that YOU adore, then comment or message, I would be more than happy to write for you.

this is something that i have always done, and decided to upload them here. ever since i was a kid i would daydream while listening to music, then it turned into something i find quite beautiful.  i really hope you enjoy my playlist. <3

my playlist, written into storiesWhere stories live. Discover now