Chapter 1: Coming Home

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I was driving back to my hometown in South Central, and I was a little nervous.  1. because I haven't been home in two years, and 2. because I have to tell my parents that I dropped out of college to become a stripper. Well, I'm not going to exactly tell them about the stripper part, but I do have to tell them I'm not in college anymore. 

While I'm not looking forward to the college conversation,  I am looking forward to seeing Caesar, Ruby, Jamal, Jasmine and Monse again. The last time I saw them, they were barely 15 and still getting used to high school. I couldn't wait to see them all so much older, they're all like my brothers and sisters. Well, Jamal really is my brother but the point is, we grew up around each other which makes us family. 

I parked my car in the driveway of the two story home I grew up in. It looked the same as it did when I left it. The same way it's always been; big, beautiful, and out of place in this run-down neighborhood. I knew my brother was home because his bike was laid down on the front lawn. I rolled my eyes knowing damn well it was gonna end up getting stolen. I rolled the bike to the porch and placed the bike lock around it.

 I took a deep breath before nervously twisting the doorknob. Yet, before I could even get the door open, I heard two excited voices running up behind it  "She's here! She's here! She's here!" 

Next thing I knew, I was being smothered into two familiar embraces that were bouncing me up and down.

"Hey, Mom! Hey Dad!" 

I managed to pull away from their bear hug and get a good look at them. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw what they were wearing. They were decked out from head to toe in the UCLA  logo, along with the biggest smiles painted on their faces. It had only been two years but they looked like they aged. Not in a bad way, but in the way that made me even more afraid to disappoint them. I knew I would have to keep this college drop-out thing a secret for just a little bit longer.

"So! How's our special UCLA undergrad?" my Dad asked, as he brought my stuff in from the car. I was sitting in the living room with my mom, who already had snacks prepared on the coffee table. 

"I'm great! I feel so at home on campus it's just amazing." I lied and of course it stung; but what else could I do? I couldn't possibly break their hearts like that; not after everything they've done for me. My mom was offering me food and wanted to hear all about my "on-campus stories" but I dismissed her. 

"Actually mom, I'm a little bit tired. After finals and the drive and everything. Plus, I didn't get to take a shower yet, so I think Imma just get settled in first, okay?"

"Oh... of course honey. I'm sorry, go ahead." I gave a guilty smile and hurried upstairs to my old room. 

Before I made it there,  I saw movement under Jamal's door and I could hear him whispering viciously. It seemed like he was arguing or something, but with who? I was hoping it wasn't with himself, a lot could change in two years.  When I opened his bedroom door, he was talking on the phone but immediately ended the call and shoved it in this back pocket 

"Oh Hey ! Mariah!" he exclaimed nervously. The thing about Jamal is that he could never hide anything from anyone. He was a terrible liar and the last person to share your secrets with; the boy just couldn't hold water. Either he told you himself or you could just read it all on his face.

"Hey, what you doing up in here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, why? " He answered way too quickly. I could tell he was hiding something but I didn't really care enough to ask. I was more concerned as to why the hell he wasn't down there to welcome me home.

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