The New "Dog"

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We walk for at least a few hours. It's been 2days in a half since the war began, as were walking we find an open field. The once to be beautiful clean grass now covered in blood screaming for help, dead bodies praying for an end, flags torn into a million pieces. It made me sick. We're just minding our business hiding in the bushes making sure it was clear, until a second later we turn around face to face with at least a 6 guard army of the other side. "Stupid" starts to take out her sword till one of the smaller soldiers in the back chanted a spell to make her bounce back against the tree. "Of course. Well I guess it's my turn" I thought. Taking out my swords slowly. The soldiers laughed.
"Let me handle this." Said one of the soldiers coming up to me, took out his sword, it looked like he wasn't even trying to be serious.
"No!" Screamed "stupid", a second later she was now chained to the tree by a spell.
I smirk, and without a chance for anyone to react, for a leaf to stumble off a tree, for the breeze to find its beat. I wipe threw the solider without a second glance. As he blows up in black particles. I turn around to the rest of his crew, "who's next?" I say smiling.
"Common men! It's just a dumb kid." Says a solider. They all charge at me at once. 15 seconds, that's all it took to destroy them all. An explosion of black particles surround me making my jacket flow in the wind. "Stupids" chain disappears, as she falls to ground. Her face like she had just seen a ghost. I turn around putting my swords away.
"The fields probably clear by now." I say as I start walking.
She grabs the back of my jacket, yelling "What the hell was that!?"
"What? And ow that hurt."
She sighs letting go of my jacket and says "Your one weird prince."
I continue walking and she follows me. I stop in my tracks, so does she.
"What?" She asks.
I turn around and bend on my knees and pat them. "Common girl! Good girl!" I say in a baby voice. Then turning around and keep walking laughing my head off. I could tell she was even more pissed. Serves her right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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