Bartering Souls

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    The girl layed in bed, secumbed by deep slumber. She did not move, or dare make one sound. She breathed in and out by the count, one... two... three... one... two... three. October chills had taken over by this time and the log cabin in which she lived now stay frozen, until spring weather would warm it up. The fireplace was the only thing that produced heat, for she did not live in a home with a heater. The glowing red embers reflected on the walls as the hot coals crackled and popped. A handmade quilt, by the girl's mother, lay across her frail, petite body. She lay still, frozen by october chills, and then all at once, a shiver escaped. At that very moment, the girl jolted out of sleep with wide eyes and a fast paced heart, for she knew what she had done. Her breathing became heavy and she placed her hand on the cold glass window that rested aside her bed.

    This poor girl. This poor innocent girl. An orphan. She lived amongst that forest because she held no other place to go. She sat motionless, staring out the window with her cold green eyes. A shadow began walking out of the forest and creeped toward the cabin.

    The girl bolted from her creeky old bed and ran to the center of the cabin. Underneath the boards was a place she could be saved from the creature she had summoned. She ripped up the boards like a mad man seeking safety and finally, the hatch she'd wanted to see appeared. She lifted up the heavy wood door and jumped to the ground below.

    As she jumped, she pulled the door with her, hoping it would close the proper way. But unfortunatly, the door was caught in an uncomfortable, unfittable position, and it left a gap that someone could get through. She cried in her frustration and fear, but stood alone in the dark chamber. She went to a corner and curled herself up in a fetal position in hopes she would not be found. She ceased her crying and layed still. All was quiet, and all was still. She thought maybe the creature had left. But inside, she knew she was wrong. She knew the monster. He was like an old friend, a sick and demented old friend.

    A loud banging had come from upstairs. The frightened girl had heard falling items and shelves, broken glass, and a loud, yet subtle grunting from the creature. He was looking for her. She could not only hear him, but smell him. The foul odor of rot and decay, which now filled the cabin. She could taste it in the air, and the monster could smell her fear.

    Once again, the cabin was quiet. Too quiet. Not a sound was made. She knew he was looking for her. No mattter how many times she denied it, she always knew the truth. She closed her eyes and held in her screams. She felt them ripping in her stomach and slithering up her throat. They pounded on her teeth and chewed at her tongue. Oh how she wanted to scream for help, but she knew the monster would hear her, and no one was in earshot to come to her rescue.

    She bit into her tongue and put her hand over her mouth in order to keep "it" in. She had a demon inside her. This monster begged for a release from her small body. Her soul had been bartered. That's why she was an orphan. Abandoned. Her parents bartered her soul with satan when she was just a baby. She's been locked in this cabin to hide from this monster her whole life. Poor, innocent girl.

    Suddenly the monster burst through the chamber door and flew at the little girl. She let go of her tongue and screamed. Her bones shook and her throat vibrated. Her ears began to burst and the chamber shook. The demon was escaping from her. The monster grabbed her and her screaming ceased. The monster began sucking life out of her and soon she went back into deep slumber. The monster would finally get his revenge. He tied the small girl to a chair and shot her awake.

    She screamed in pain and looked at the monster. Dead into his eyes. Cold green colored, like her own. It was as if they mimicked eachother, the monster and demon girl. Her hands were chained tight to a table, they layed flat palmed, her feet the same.  The monster opened his blood filled mouth and began to speak demonically to the girl.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He said with an evil grin.

    The girl spit at the monster and screamed with a hate in her voice.

"You evil creature. You're no more than a pathetic, smelly, monster."

"Atleast I don't share a soul with Satan." He replied.

    The girl nodded, for she knew she had been beat. She stared at the ground and felt her eyes flood with tears. The monster pulled out a rusty blade, stained with crimson red from his other victims. He looked at her with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Enjoy the pain you sickening creature!" He said just as he cut off the girl's index finger with a snap.

    The girl screamed in pain, but the demon inside her just laughed. The demon began to speak, but only one word was given before the monster cut off another finger.

    As time went by the monster cut again ad again. The girl sat there motionless, with no fingers, and not toes. He cut them all off in his torturing process. He beat her and she bled and bled. Fatigued and tired, she spoke to the monster.

"Why would you do this? I never hurt you."

He replied with a chuckle, "You deserve this. You say I'm a monster? Look at yourself for once."

    The girl was tired and no longer wished to continue. The demon inside her gave up and the girl began to bleed out. She closed her eyes and prayed to die, but God payed no attention to a demon's prayers. The monster stared at her with his cold, fiery green eyes. Fury filled his soul and he grabbed the girls hair. She did not scream, and she did not cry. She only looked into his mocking green eyes and frowned. The demon took his blade and shoved it in her heart. But before the girl died she looked at the monster and wispered.

"I am not vain, I am not poison. You did this to me you evil monster. You are only a monster and that's all you will be. You will never again be my father."

    The monster looked down at the cold, dead girl and felt a tear in his eye and a pain in his heart, for he knew he was her father. He turned her into the demon she was, and took out his pain against her. He layed her down and kissed her cheek. He wispered to her.

"I ak your father, and you're my daughter, and I'm sorry I made you the demon you are.." 

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