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Things are getting a bit hot in this chapter~ Picture is what Jay looks like

Gage's pov:

Meditation really helps clear my mind and it helps strengthen my powers, though being a twin wizard my powers are already strong. Sighing in content I relax letting the energy of my crystals help soothe me, I prefer using crystal and herbs compared to many of my brother and sister magic users.

Being called a wizard is slightly insulting seeing as how I'm a wiccan witch, the title wizard is actually suppose to be used for a wiccan who had chosen to walk the path of darkness and use their powers for evil. Many misunderstand that in the Pagan community both male and female wiccans are referred to as witches, however over the years though and the sexisum of the human race before it was enslaved male witches came be looped under the title wizard because it was more masculine than being called a witch that many believe is feminine.

I believe in the threefold law so I stay to the path of light, following my teachings and not wishing or doing harm to others through the use of my powers or actions. I may mess with my mate and others at times but never to the point where it would cause them harm both bodily and spiritually.

"GAGE!!!" Screech's though the castle making me jolt out of my meditative state.

"Huh guess he found out what I did to his papers.." I chuckle as I get up blowing out the incense I was using and putting my crystals away first before cleaning up the rest of the items I was using for my meditation before the door slams open.

"You!" Jay growls his eyes flashing between dark blue and gold showing him and wolf are both pissed.

"Yes me.' I say smartly smirking at him before yelping when I'm suddenly thrown over my mates shoulders.

"That's it!" My mate growls moving to the couch and flipping me over so I'm across his knees.

"Jay what are you-" I start to say as I struggled before I yelp feeling a firm slap across my right ass cheek.

"Messing with my paperwork, arousing me, and teasing me. You need to be taught a lessin!" Jay growls delivering more slaps to my ass making me yelp and squirm but he's got a good grip on my now.

"Ow Jay stop!" I whine as I struggle my ass stinging and worse I'm kind of getting turned on. I like when Jay goes all wolfman on me, his dominate aura is very arousing and right now being this close to him and making me kind of hot and bothered.
Jay finally stops when my ass is burning and I know I'll be sitting with a cushion under my ass for a while. Whining I wiggled around when Jay slides my pants and boxers off before I yelp feeling him lean forward a little and lightly nip my buring ass.

"Mmm you ass is such a lovely shade of red~" He growls above me "And so hot from my spanking you~" he chuckles giving my burning hot ass cheeks a teasing lick making me shiver and moan softly.

"Ahh Jay stop~" I whine gripping the couch and shivering as he keeps teasing me before gasping when I'm flipped upward and soon straddling my mate whose rock hard erections I feel firmly against my ass through his pants.

"I want fuck you up so bad~" He growls leaning forward and nipping at my neck making me moan and arch my back a little while exposing more of my neck to him while his hands rotate between massaging my ass and roaming all over my body.

"Mmm~" I moan trying not to make any noise before gasping as he crying out weakly when he bites my neck a bit rough but soft enough not to hurt.

"Yes moan for me baby~" He growls his voice changing showing Darkmeyer is taking over.

"Ahhh~ oh please~" I whimper giving up a bit really wanting my mate to ravish me.

"Please what?" He growls but I feel the smirk against my neck making me whine in embarrassment that he's going to make me say this.

"Please claim and fuck me~" I beg with a whimper sounding pitiful to my ears but it gets the dominating growl I wanted before my lips are caught in a searing kiss as I'm hoisted up by my ass and I feel us moving.

Our lips break apart for a moment when I'm tossed onto the bed before being pinned by the muscular body of my mate.

"You won't be walking after this my little mate, I'm going to fuck you up badly~" My mate growls making me moan and rub up against him, his dominating aura arousing me more before I hear a click above my head making me glance up and moan.

My mate just handcuffed me to the bed.  

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