Ch.2 : First 2 days

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 We finally arrived at the lake house. I got out of the car and got my things out of the trunk. Delilah unlocked the green door and we walked inside.

“Christa can you show Drake were to put his stuff?”

“Sure.” I said in a melancholy tone.

I walked up stairs and showed Drake the guest room. He put his things down and I walked into Kelsey’s room to begin unpacking. Soon after, Kelsey walked in.

“How was the ride?” she asked nonchalantly.

“long and silent.”

“Sorry.” When we were done unpacking we went outside. Frank walked up to us.

“The guys are riding the Jet skis you wanna?”

“Sure.” We changed into our bathing suits and walked to the shore line. There were two light blue jet skies. We climbed on and went for a ride. Me and Kelsey stayed together on the lake. We couldn’t find the guys. Finally we saw the red jet skies at a camp store. We docked the jet skies and went in. Mark was at the counter and Drake was in the corner talking to some girl.

“Drake.” Said Mark. “Time to go.”

We all left the store and went back home.

   After we ate dinner we watched a movie. When it was over it was 11:47. We decided to go to bed. An insignificant amount of time later I was woken up to the sound of thunder. I looked over at Kelsey who was still asleep. I got out of bed and walked out the door. I sat across from the door and windows, leading to the balcony overlooking the lake. I saw the downpour of the rain. The lake was all choppy. Lightning lit up the sky and I heard a loud boom of thunder. It was loud and still far away. I hate storms. I am truly terrified of them. I huddled together and watched the storm. The door to the guest room opened to see a sleepy Drake.

“Why are you awake?”

“I hate storms. You?”

“I don’t like them when I’m trying to sleep.” The room light up and I buried my head in my lap to try to block out the thunder. Drake sat next to me.

“Can you sleep?” he asked.”

“I can’t sleep terrified.” A tear escaped my eye.

“Why are you crying?”

“I’ve always been scared of storms and my mom’s always been here to comfort me. And my dad made my fear worse. And…and…” more lightning and when the thunder started I began to cry. Drake wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his huge muscles. We stayed like this long after we fell asleep.

   I woke up the next morning by the warm sun hitting my face. I looked over at Drake who was still holding me. When reality hit me I jumped up.

“What?” Drake said when he woke up.

“It’s morning.” Is all I said as I ran into Kelsey’s room. She was awake.


“Where were you?” she asked skeptically.

“Bathroom.” I said a little too quickly.

“Three times list night? I doubt it.” She answered while folding her arms.

“Fine I slept in the hallway because of the storm.”

“Alright.” She said shrugging. “Let’s get dressed.”

I changed and put my bathing suit on under my clothes because we’re going on the boat after breakfast. When I finished my eggs I ran up stairs to get my sun glasses. I quickly brushed my dark brown hair and found my sun glasses. I put them on covering my green eyes. I ran back down and went outside. Everyone was on the pontoon boat. When I got on Frank started the motor and we were out on the lake.

   We pulled into a deep river. There were two rope swings tied on to a tree. We put the anchor in the water and jumped into the refreshing water below. The ropes didn’t go to low to the ground so it was a challenge to try to get them on shore. Once we did it Kelsey went first, then Mark. Then it was my turn. I was standing at the edge of a board that was on the tree. I was scared to jump.

“Okay…here I go.” I still didn’t move. I heard a sigh then someone pushed me. As the rope turned I saw that Drake pushed me.

“Let go!” everyone screamed. I let go just in time. I would have hit the tree if I didn’t.

At The Lake House (slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now