The Third Time (part 2)

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6 am

Clint woke up early as usual, he loved to start the day as the sun was rising, taking a quickly shower and preparing the breakfast for him. That day he did the same thing but he prepared two breakfasts: toasts and black coffee.

Loki was still in the bedroom, reading everything he was finding, seeing pictures from Clint and others. He heard Clint calling for him and went downstairs to find him sitting on the table and a plate on his side.

"I'm not hungry."

"Are you sure? Well, I am."

Even if he didn't wanted to eat he sat next to him, just looking to the food. Clint was eating everything so it was impossible for him to talk at the beginning but after a couple of minutes he decided he need to ask some things, things that he could never stop thinking since the day he went to Asgard and that was the perfect time. He just didn't want to bother a god.

"Loki, can I ask you something?"

"I don't see why not."

"Usually when we, the Avengers, are together just to talk, Thor tells us stories about you. How different both of you are, he's a hero and you don't care who gets hurt if you can have what you want, power. In this story you're the villain we have to catch up and lock out. I think you are the worst, no one knows if they can trust in you. So... my question is... why are you asking all of us in a nice way and not just demanding?"

Loki looked to the food again, just half of a bread, and then looked to Clint again.

"You're right. No one can trust me but wouldn't you start a fight if I wasn't polite?"

" Yea."

"So, you have your answer. I admite a fight would be so much better and I would enjoy it so much but it needs to wait for another time. Can we please go find my brother?"

Barton nodded.
They left the house with Loki suggestion a teletransportation, something Clint wasn't sure about it, he preferred the human way in a car. The god wasn't satisfied with that choice but he needed Clint's help.

They went to the city where he saw Thor a few days ago. Nothing seemed special about that street, just a normal one with people going to work, school or just walking the dog. Two hours later the two guys entered on a coffee shop.
The waiter looked like someone Clint knew from somewhere. Ah! It was the same person that was talking to Thor!

"Hey, you!" he yelled . "I saw you the other day, talking with Thor! You know, the god of thunder! The Avenger?"

"Yea, it was me." he smiled "He wanted to know if I saw a Hulk. I mean not Hulk himself but Bruce Banner. That guy it's always here in this cafe but I don't see him for some days so the god wanted to know where he could be."

"Bruce? He was in the party. I didn't see him after that. Why he wants Banner?"

"Who knows? I need to work, nice to meet you arrow guy." he said walking away.

"It's Hawkeye but anyway. So, Loki you need to find Nat. She always know where he is."

"My brother?"

"No, Bruce. They have a thing. Good luck." The god of mischief walked away but he turned for an instant. He looked to the human and thanked him for the help. "I wish we could be friends."

"Maybe one day. You can always join my side." Loki winked at him.

Clint smiled but shooked his head. Loki was alone, once again, but with a mission. To find the Russian spy. That would be so fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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