Dining with the Devil- Taylor

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Her name was Kandra, and Airell asked her to show me around the palace.

I missed the ugly little fey woman who dressed me and helped me around, but apparently Kandra was a far better "friend" to have, as she was an elf.

Her beauty intimidated me, her hair was so black it had a blue sheen, and her eyes were liquid amber, which set off her russet colored skin. She painted her lips with a bright rouge, and she wore a emerald green dress with elaborate white crystals beaded throughout the corset.

"How does it feel, knowing you will be the most powerful mortal in Faerie in only three days?" Kandra asked me.

"Three days?"

"Yes, the wedding is in three days, which would be immediately followed by the coronation. King Naoise is anxious to get off the throne, he has been alive for three thousand years, you know. He must be quite tired."

I was surprised. I knew the wedding would happen eventually, but I hadn't realized it would happen so soon, and that it would be followed by my crowning as queen. It seemed surreal.

Instead of stating these things to Kandra, I simply asked, "Tired?"

"We may not grow old, but we do get tired with age, you know. Three thousand is an exceptionally long life for one of us. We usually only live to two thousand and five hundred years before we choose to fade."

I knew nothing of fey lifespans. I'd always just assumed they were immortal. I never realized that they not only died, but chose to do it.

I briefly wondered how old Airell was, knowing he must be at least a thousand years old. That meant, to the fey, he was considered middle aged. Somehow that made the idea of our marriage even creepier than it already was.

My mind kept on wandering, mostly to the night after the wedding, what I'd be expected to do. I inwardly cringed, having sex with a man was something I'd never had interest in doing, and even though Airell is what people might consider handsome, he was, unfortunately, a man.

"Your hair is very lovely, Taylor. Yellow hair dulls as a human grows older, but the way yours has suits you very well, I suppose," Kandra commented, moving the conversation along.

It was true, my once blonde hair was now less blonde and closer to brown, I may not like it, but a kindness was a kindness. You weren't supposed to thank the fey, so I repaid the compliment, "Your hair is lovely, too."

Kandra smiled brilliantly, "You are quite the companion, Taylor. I'm very glad I was asked by his highness to be your friend."

I could read between the lines. Through the kindness of her words I could understand what she really meant. I was a companion, obviously, the world "quite" only reinforced the fact, it meant nothing about the quality of my company. As for her excitement at being my friend, she was obviously a social climber, and I was the future queen. Of course she was happy she was assigned to show me around, she was excited at the opportunity of her own betterment.

Kandra showed me the garden, which was full of all types of flowers I'd never even seen before. I tried my hardest not to be fascinated, but the plants really were beautiful. I knew this was something Zahra would enjoy.

Kandra prattled on about the history of the palace, how it was historically the residence of the crown prince, and that it used to belong to Airell's older brother.

"He died, didn't he?" I asked.

"Yes, quite tragic really. He was only three hundred or so," Kandra said.

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