Chapter 1- Young Master, on a train

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A/N: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or Harry Potter they both belong to their respective owners.
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Anything you need to know is either in the bio or you can ask questions they Will be answered.

Ciel POV:
I take a seat on the Hogwarts train. It appears I shall be entering the Third year as a transfer student.
I still don't understand why I should attend this school.... If it weren't for Sebastian, this would've been impossible... Thankfully he got the Defence Against the Dark Arts teaching position after the previous holder, Lockhart... I think I recall.... allowed the space to become open.... I'm not sure what happened last year but who am I to care..... There's a rumour that the position was jinxed...

My train of thought was cut when three students  around my age opened the door.
Two males one female.
The female spoke,
"I'm so sorry but May we sit here everywhere else is full.."

I nod and stop myself from rolling my eyes.
Great... Now I might have to socialise.
They sit down. The female sits across from me and the red head next to her. The one with brown hair and glasses sits next to me.

"Are you a first year?" The red head asked.
I shook my head not making eye contact and staring out the window.
"I'm a third year Transfer," I reply in a bored tone.

"We're in the third year, what's your name?" the boy with the glasses asked enthusiastically.
Before I had a chance to reply, the female chipped in.
"I'm Hermione Granger and these are my friends, Ronald Weasley an"-
She was cut off by the red head.
"I efer 'on" he said through a mouthful of sweets.
(Translation if you're lazy: "I prefer Ron,")

I turned to face the one called Hermione.
"Ron! Don't talk with your mouth full!" She scolded. She then pointed to the boy sat next to me.
"And that's Harry Potter,"

I nod.
"I'm Ciel Phantomhive...." My voice had a very bored tone to it.... how much longer did I have to sit on this train....
Harry nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Ron who was trying to get his attention.

"So Harry" he said once he'd finished his sweets. "What were you going to tell us?"
I heard Harry explain about a warning he had gotten from someone called Mr Weasley. When he had finished Ron looked shocked and Hermione had covered her hands with her mouth. She lowered them for the words
"Sirius Black escaped to come after you" to leave her mouth
"Oh Harry" she continued "you'll have to be really really careful don't go looking for trouble...."

I held back a smirk and Harry looked annoyed.
"I don't go looking for trouble... Trouble usually finds me"

Oh Harry I can relate so much... If only you knew....
"How thick would Harry have to be to go looking for someone who wants to kill him?" Ron tuned in his voice shaking a little.
The trio appeared to be afraid of this so called Sirius Black....

Ron moved around in his seat uncomfortably.
"No one knows how he got out of Azkaban.... No one has ever done it before... and he was a top-security prisoner too..."
The three shivered and obviously forgot I existed... Oh well...
Hermione then turned to me...

"You know about Sirius Black don't you?" She said.

I looked at her and replied.
"Being honest, No I didn't know who he was,"
This was of course true. I hadn't any idea on the who the man was until now.

The three looked at me with wide eyes..
"Haven't you seen the wanted posters?" Ron asked.

As a matter of fact I had. I just didn't take any notice because... well... Why should I? My task set by the Queen covers my priority.... If it weren't for Sebastian's fake concern about me not socialising with children my age I wouldn't have set foot on this train.

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