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roy/biancas POV
we are on the european leg of the battle of the season tours and we are all very excited, well most of us are. i can tell danny doesnt want to be here but when she came because she always has a blast when she's actually on stage. we are all backstage and we go on for the opening number in 5 minutes "girls wheres adore?" michelle asks everyone instantly looks to me to see if i know since adore and i are extremely close "she's probably just getting some air, you know how she struggles before a show,ill go get her" i say before quickly going outside, through the back doors obviously. i see her leaning against the wall smoking "chola we're on in five, are you okay?" i ask, she puts out her cigarette "i feel a bit-i don't actually know i just dont feel right." she says "you're probably just tired, you've been working non stop for the past year with hardly any breaks it's probably just all catching up to you now" i say reassuring her, we go inside and go immediately on stage for the opening number.

its going great so far, i keep glancing over to check on adore. if she's not feeling well i feel like its my job as her bestfriend to look after her, she seems to be doing fine. maybe it was just her nerves bothering her.

it was my job to go first so i go through my routine and it goes amazing! the crowd loves it and are busting a gut. once i get off stage i decide to go to adores dressing room, shes on last so she has plenty of time to herself. i go in and see her smoking weed and i see a bunch of pills and other stuff lined up on the counter "adore! what the fuck is all this?" i ask, i knew she smoked weed but i didnt know she did anything else. suddenly i get a bad feeling in my stomach and im really concerned. she looks at me shocked before quickly putting everything back into her bag "bianca its nothing" she says calmly but her face says different "adore all this could cause you to overdose! you need to be careful this isnt okay and this isnt healthy" i say she rolls her eyes "oh okay mom" she says jokingly flashing a smile, damn. i hate that she knows how to manipulate me into not being mad at her. i smile a little "adore promise me you'll be more careful-i cant lose you to this shit" i say feeling tears in my eyes, she notices and says "i promise, if it means that much ill give some stuff to a few of the other girls" emphasising the 'some' i smile and hug her. we chat for a while and she smokes-alot-before its her turn to go on stage "break a leg!" i say to her as she goes on stage. i decide to watch from the wings since she always puts on a great performance.

adore/dannys POV
i run onto the stage "are you mother fuckers ready to party?!!" i yell earning a cheer from the crowd "okay so lets start off with an upbeat song, hmm" i start "what do y'all think of dtf?" i say and they all scream "hit it!" i say and the music starts. the song is going great so far "im down mother fuckers im down mother fuckers im down mother fuckers im down down, down mother fuckers im down mother fuckers im down" i say, i suddenly feel myself coming out of breath, what? this never happens. i continue performing through it and i start singing 'i adore you' as im singing i feel myself going really dizzy and i quickly grab onto the mic stand to steady myself-i continue singing though because i dont want to alarm all the fans. i glance over at bianca, still feeling dizzy and sick, and she looks really worried as shes noticed theres something wrong. "i adore you i adore you..i...a-dor.." i sing before feeling a pain in my chest and falling to the floor. i can hardly see because im so dizzy but i look around frantically hoping someone will come help. everythings blurry but i can just make out bianca running onto the stage, i feel her lift me and carry me off, as shes basically running me off stage i hear courtney "uhm,adore has the flu but...uhh.. im going to fill in for her and um katya! katya will do some gymnastics and dance as i sing" i can sense the worry in her voice but im glad they are trying to keep the audience calm.

bianca lays me down on the floor and i can feel everything fading away-sharon and bianca are trying to shake me awake as alaska runs off to get some water. i hear michelle ordering people around to "get the fucking paramedics" i try to keep awake, i use all i have to try and say something. all i can manage to whisper is "i don't want to die" into biancas dar before everything goes bla-


Bianca/roys POV
"i dont want to die" she says quietly before closing her eyes laying lifeless "adore?!!" i scream and start hysterically crying hugging her. the paramedics rush in and sharon pries me off of her and i immediately start sobbing into her shoulders "we've got a pulse we have to get her to the hospital and hooked up to an IV as soon as possible" one of them says to the other they both lift her onto a bed and roll her out of the venue "i need to go!" i scream but sharon and now alaska and holding me back hugging me, all of us queens are now crying but most of them are trying to comfort me and they need to go up on stage to end the show as 'normally' as possible to avoid drama. "i need to go with adore!" i yell again "baby im going with her, you are in no good state to go-you can come down first thing in the morning though" michelle says as nicely as possible before rushing out after the paramedics. once ive settled with seeing her tomorrow alaska and sharon finally let go. "ive never seen bianca so vulnerable" i hear them all discussing as i sit in a ball in the corner of the couch-numb, terrified. "i havent even seen her this bad" courtney says with sadness in her voice. "they are in love with eachother what do you expect?" i hear katya say, what? i think to myself. in love? no, i love her more than anything but thats just because shes my bestfriend right? the sadness in everyones voice is evident, "roy? you okay?" i hear jinkx say but i just ignore her staring blankly at the wall, they all look at eachother and sigh "guys, WE are all distraught and heartbroken about danny-we have to understand that roy was 10 billion times closer to her, obviously they are very much in love, we need to try and understand how difficult this is for roy. he cant even go see her until tomorrow" violet says. wow, violet, being smart and kind? but again, with the love. im not in love with danny, yes he means more to me than anyone or anything ever has but-who am i kidding? shes my whole world of course im in love with her. but im still 14 years older and she clearly only loves me as a best friend. i stand up and look at them all, distress painted all over my face apparently as i look at all their concerned faces "i-i.." i cant get any words out "sleep" is all i can push out. courtney comes over and pulls me into a hug "want me to take you" she asks softly but i just shake my head. i want to clear my head by walking to my room. she just nods and everyone gives me a hug before i leave and slowly start walking to my hotel. i walk to longest way and as soon as i get to my room i collapse onto my bed sobbing into the sheets before dozing off to sleep.

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