Chapter 2

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You Complete Me - Chapter 2



It's been a week since we arrived in this new neighbourhood and today's the day school started. Crosswood High, here I come.

My Dad will be dropping me off today and Annabelle had promised to ride with me. So, we went over to her house where we waited for about 10 minutes because she is just that slow and it had  me feeling all worried about being late. I am a worry-wart, FYI.

"Good morning,  Uncle Paul and you too, Wen", Anna said, as she slipped into the car, with her damp hair.

My father wished her back with a smile while me, on the other hand, almost punched her because it was totally not a 'good'  morning anymore, with her being late.

I sent her a glare and she gave me a puzzled look which made me huffed in annoyance. See!  She didn't understand me. She didn't know that her, being slow had me all worried because she never worries about things like that, living a very cool life.


We reached Crosswood High and as soon as we got out of the car, Anna was greeted by her peers as she introduced me to them and vice versa. Everything was a blur because I had been so nervous that my mind couldn't concentrate on anything else and of course, that was oblivious to Dear Anna.

I squeezed her hand and muttered. 'timetable' and stuff which worked because I was dragged along the halls and was led to an office. The woman there, Mrs.Miller gave me my timetable and all other necessities.


The bell had rung just after Anna showed me my locker. Then, we had devotion where the Principal, Mr.Simons welcomed us and read tons of rules, which till now I see nobody follows.

I walked into homeroom and guess what? Mrs.Burns,  my homeroom teacher asked me to have an introduction. Relaxed relaxed. I keep telling myself. I am not good with being under the spotlight that too, with pressure.

"Um..My name is Wendy Summer.", I started. Ugh what do people say after this?

"My last school was in London. We had been moving from place to place so I have been acquainted with different education systems like British,  Indian and Japanese"

When I said this, I heard a. 'wow'  from some people which made me glad at the same time nervous. So , I quickly said, "I hope I have a good time here" and went to my seat.

Noo.!! why did I say that good time thing. This is a school what was I expecting.Ugh

"Since today is your first day back here, I will let you catch up on with your friends and don't make me change my mind", said Mrs. Burn, quite sternly.

Cool, I thought. The only problem is I don't know who to talk to. So, hoping someone would talk to me, I turned around just as the girl behind me was leaning forward,  which led us into a very awkward situation.  We both backed away immediately and yes, both very embarrassed. 

"Hi, I am Christine Parker", she introduced rather timidly. I think I understand her. She's shy yet she feel obliged to make me feel welcome. I like her.

"Hi, I am- you already know", I said somewhat jokingly.

This must've loosen her a bit because she smiled and immediately asked me about India. We talked and chatted until a  a paper ball hit my face.

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