At The Lake House

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                                       (thanks to MeetAndRead for making my cover)

        I'm sitting at my desk, watching the clock slowly tick by. I anxiously tap my fingers as Mr. Blank goes on and on about the Constitution. Why does he even bother to try to teach in the last day of school?
"Mr. Blank, you know that none of us care what you are saying right?" Says Drake Wilde making his friends laugh.
"Yes Mr. Wilde, today is the last day of school. However, we are still in school, and that means that we have time to-" the sound of the bell and excited students drown out whatever Mr. Blank was going to say.

        I push my way through the crowded halls of the high school. I finally manage to get to my locker and grab the few things that are still inside.
"So, what time should I pick you up tomorrow?" Says my best friend, Kelsey.
"Whenever." I shrug. "I'm already packed."
"Okay! Whenever it is!" She squeals excitedly and we head off in opposite directions. Kelsey gets a ride home and I take the bus.

        As always, I'm late getting on the bus, but my friend, Sarah, saved a seat next to her in the back.
"I'm so happy school's over. You?"
"Very." I say with s huge smile on my face.
"Christa, are you doing anything tomorrow? I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach."
"I would, but I'm going up to Kelsey's lake house for the month."
"The whole month?"
"Yeah, we come back after the Fourth." I've known Kelsey for as long as I can remember.
"Okay, I hope you have fun...I go camping near her house!"
"I hope I see you!" I say as I grab my things and the bus stops. I get off, and start walking to my house.

                                                                 ~Author’s note ~

Warning! The motivation department is lacking! I repeat! The motivation department is lacking! Please vote and leave comments. If I feel that people don’t want me to make this story better, then I probably won’t. I have a lot going on and I need to know if I need to make this a priority. Thank you for your support!  


P.S   Be sure to look at my new book Sapphire! I personally think it is so much better than this one...

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