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Acacia - Age 21/Marcus - Age 13

I'm happy for dad, as, over the past couple of years, Sebastian has been able to help him heal in a way no one else could. The true hybrid mate of dad, mom...Marc, he freed my dad from the choice bond between Dante and him, as not only can an alpha break the claim over another, but that same alpha who is the true mate of another can also break that claim.

I think dad really has a thing for wolves as well because he and Sebastian are inseparable...that is unless I need time with him. It was questionable that Sebastian had his genes unlocked as only a true mate of a dormant hybrid can activate those genes...

...Sebastian isn't an ordinary hybrid. He matches dad...in the godlike department that is. He's quite a...let's just put it as he also goes by Eros.

The council diminished to no longer represent each species individually. Due to the way many had turned their backs on the rest of the world and forsaking it, they'd still be given the rights they once had, but their voices are no longer heard. For the wolves, vampires, and hybrids that did come to our aid, they are the ones still represented...though it isn't by a council.

In fact, there is a ceremony today...

...it's a celebration of many things and the day will be long.

I'm thankful I'm not showing that well through the nice dress I wear because it was just a couple of weeks ago that I discovered I am pregnant. It's a soft, warm glow...an aura of life itself that I feel radiating from within me. The moment I'd told my mates, it was one of the happiest days, because now they were more than anxious to find out exactly who the bloodline father is...though they'd all be there equally for the baby.

It'll be under the tree near Castle Valentine that the ceremony will take place, one that we've all discussed much. Taron and Rian will be getting ready for when Lailoken and I arrive, many of the different species gathering. Right now though, I'm walking with Lailoken down the dimly lit hallway in Elysium.

I'd talked to dad about this earlier...

...and I was met with no rebuttal.

It was the perfect punishment in itself for Niamh's treacherous act...her treason not only to the crown but to her own kind. When Aspen had said she'd never return to the ocean, she wasn't holding up a front, because we'd discovered later...Mercury had discarded his so-called 'love' for her, breaking her heart as she was gullible enough to believe him. She'd returned to the water's edge, only to take one step into the ocean before she dissolved into sea foam...a fitting end for her, for one who wouldn't return her love.

Lailoken asks me gently while we walk side by side, "You're sure you want to end their suffering so early? You were subjected to abuse for over ten years... it's hardly been three."

Nodding my head lightly, I tell him as I touch my abdomen, "I won't leave anything up to chance, not with the life I'll be bringing into this world," it's exactly what I told dad, because I'd not want to jeopardize their life with the possibility of those who hurt me still alive.

He pauses with me next to the closed solid cell door, wrapping his arms around me from behind while he skims the tip of his nose down the length of my neck. His voice is calming and reassuring when he replies, "I love that about you..."

Lailoken showed me that it's important to love and protect what matters the most to me...

A moment later, her releases his arms from around me, Lailoken opening the door before allowing me to step in first. He's right behind me, hearing the door closing behind while the many different screams and cries of pain and agony fill the air that was otherwise silent from the other side. My eyes land on the four...seeing the way members from the Vindicator Wardens Pack have been torturing them over the years, some methods causing an endless agony.

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