1. The Silent Ship

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Jericho was dying, and every part of Simon, from the steel veins filled with thirium to the artificial skin, was painfully aware of that.

It was a place far away from heartless orders, cruel treatment, even to the point of abuse, and everything else they had to endure for so long; but also equally far from spare parts, from much needed vials of blue blood, from everything they needed to survive and keep going. Many arrived wounded, some in critical state, and every day Simon's pump-like heart ached against all mechanical logic, when he had to bear the sight of his people: coming here with their only purpose being, to die as free people.

Even though he was never chosen a leader, he was treated as one naturally. As one of the first ones who arrived, with Josh and North who joined soon as well, their words were always treated with utmost respect. But decisions... there wasn't many to make anyway. And those, they made together.

Days passed one after another and soon it became difficult to distinguish and draw a line between them - Simon had stopped counting long ago. And as they went on, the ship was slowly falling into deeper and deeper silence. Conversations were rare, and even if they happened, they were hushed and short. Somehow they didn't feel right, didn't feel respectful. All they did was wait, help ones that needed it, comfort ones they couldn't help, wait more. But they were free. They existed nearly pointlessly, but they were free.

This particular day, however? It felt different. Simon sensed that something in the atmosphere was out of place.
He'd usually get that feeling when someone was heading to join them, all of them did really: the aura of curious anticipation. Even the ship itself seemed to know, creaking and knocking about in the far corners of the abandoned freighter.

After some time the screeching of steel was joined by distant footsteps, someone looking, searching; but the androids didn't feel threatened, knowing that there was no chance a human would find them without the directions. Those who could still afford to care would pace around curiously in the shadows, as if playing a game, trying to guess where the new addition (or additions?) to the group would emerge from.

And suddenly numerous, loud metallic cracks were heard from above, as well as a dull thump, flailing limbs hitting pipes, and a final thud which made most of its witnesses flinch abruptly, as if empathizing with the victim.
On the floor, in the middle of the lowest level on which they were staying, on his back laid an android. On his torn shirt, a slowly growing blue stain indicated fall damage, which frankly speaking, wasn't a big surprise for anyone present.

They waited silently.

Soon the stranger struggled to kneel, then stand up, looked around in hesitation, and it was only then that Simon headed out, and the rest followed. A group of living machines gradually surrounded him, and they could feel both his crestfallen gaze and the brightness of his flashlight on their faces.

Finally the blonde took one more step forward, as if to welcome the newcomer officially.

"Welcome to Jericho." He said, his lips curling into a slight, but warm smile.

The New Jericho - a Detroit: Become Human storyWhere stories live. Discover now