I hate selfies!

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Rachel Elizabeth Dare updated her status: selfies are stupid!

Zeus, Athena, Annabeth Chase and 3 others like this


Leo Valdez: *pokes tongue out at Rachel* Ö you dare?! (pardon de pun hehe)

Annabeth Chase: *the hilarious *notice the sarcasm in my voice*

Jason Grace: has anyone heard from Percy? I mean I know he got his phone confiscated but he has a laptop

Annabeth Chase: Jason you mustn't have of heard, moments later he lost his laptop because he called his dad (via Iris message) and told him he was an old barnacle beard (no offence to him)

Athena: it is true though

Jason Grace: thanks Annabeth

Annabeth Chase: you're welcome

Rachel Elizabeth Dare: well way to get off topic

Jason Grace: :'( sorry Rachel

Leo Valdez: yeah Jason you betta apologise!

Annabeth Chase: *better you're an idiot Valdez

Athena: agreed

Leo Valdez: I'm going to go and cry in the corner

Athena: good

Leo Valdez: Waaahhh! <:'(

Athena: ok, now can you crawl into a hole and die?

Leo Valdez: *sobbing* *sniffles* ok

Athena: finally got rid of that idiot!

Jason Grace: well this just got weird

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