Moving In

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"YES! We would love to live with you guys." Every one got excited then we discussed rent and all that boring stuff. We found this company that would bring us all of our furniture from our apartment and it didn't cost that much. Our stuff arrived a few days later. Sam, Colby and everyone else helped us unload the truck and move everything into the guest rooms. We were so excited that we were now going to be living with Sam and Colby. That night I wanted to do something special for everyone for letting us live with them. So I asked everyone what they wanted to eat and they said spaghetti. So I went to the store and bought all the ingredients I needed and made spaghetti even Brennen and Bradley came over. Everyone finished eating then we played some video games and went to bed. The next day we went to one of the places in LA that I have always wanted to go, was the Queen Mary Ship. We went inside and I immediately felt a presence. Chills also ran down my back, but we joked around we went to the most haunted room and some other parts of the ship then we go to get lunch at In and Out. As usual me and Riley got a salad and the others go burgers. We made our may back home, when we go there I got a text from Brennen saying he would love to go on that date tomorrow. I replied saying ok what time should I be ready by. He texted back 8:00 that's when the sun starts setting.

To be continued..............

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