The Most Annoying ways

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These are some ways to get kicked out of Walmart, or annoy people.

1. Stick grapes up your Ears go up to someone & every time they pick something up you say "omg that's like so bad for you, it like poisons your soul"

2. Stand in the middle of an ile & yell "I IS YOUR SUPREME RULER AND ALL OF YOU MUST BOWDOWN TO ME!!!!!"

3. Jump in the gate thing that holds the balls

4. Go up to someone random and scream, "YOUR ONE OF THEM!" Then run away and pretend to trip, then slowly crawl away

5. Jump on random people's back and scream as loud as possible

6. Do floor angels

7. Spazz out in the floor

8.take off all your clothes (including underwear) and run all around the store

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