Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

***Cassidy's P.O.V***

When we arrived at the cabin Niall was waiting for us outside.

"Finally" he gasped, "You guys took so long"

"I like to see you try and find a store in the middle of nowhere" I said sounding quite annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, hand over the food" he demanded.

I just rolled my eyes and handed him some bags. When we finished unloading the car we started to put things away to where they belong. The thing that kind of annoyed me was that Niall didn't help at all he just took almost all the bags of chips that we bought and started to eat them. Man that boy never gets full, and if he does than that means the world is probably ending. Anyways when we finished Harry started to make breakfast. He made omelets, sausages, and home fries it looked super yummy. When he finished he called everyone to the table. Niall dropped the bags of chips and started to eat the breakfast quickly, and I mean quickly 30 seconds later he was done. When I sat down I took a big bite of the omelet. Oh my gosh this is the best omelet that I have ever had.

"Wow Harry this is good" I told him, "When I watched the X-factor everyone always said that you're an excellent cook, but I never thought you were this good"

He just smiled, "Well I am"

"No kidding" I then stuffed more food in my mouth.

When we all finished we went outside to hang out. All we did was talk which was kind of fun, but not that fun. That was until Liam and Zayn came out with some Frisbees, hula-hoops, jump ropes and volleyballs with a volleyball net. Harry, Lou, Nicolle and I played Volleyball and Liam, Zayn, and Niall played Frisbee. We had a blast, but then it started to get dark out. Lou gave us the idea to have a bomb fire. We sat some chairs outside and Harry and Lou tried to start the fire. It took them a hard time to start it, one time it even almost blew both of their faces off. When they finally got it we sat down. Good thing I got gram crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows so we can make smores. We all talked about ourselves.

"So Cassidy, you have been quite, got something you're hiding from us?" Harry asked while motioning his eyebrows up and down.

"No it's just that no one has asked me any questions yet" I reminded them.

"Ok so we'll start" Harry said, "What's for favorite color?"

"Hot pink"

"Favorite animal?"


"Favorite food?"

"Ugh tough one I guess I'll have to say steak"


Lou looked at me in curiosity. "Definitely not carrots" I smiled and Louis gasped, "How dare you" he said

"Sorry I'm more of a broccoli person"

He just sticked his tongue out at me and turned his face the other way. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok let's play truth or dare" Niall suggested happily.

"Sure" we all agreed.

"Ok Cassidy" Lou asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Um, truth"

"Is it true that you like Harry?"

Oh shit did he just ask me that question? Yes he did why didn't I say dare? I just paused and didn't say anything.

"Cassidy" Lou asked, "Answer the question"

"Dare" I quickly said hoping they'll let me change.

"Nope, now answer"

Damn!, "I have no choice do I?" I asked. They all nodded they heads. "Yes" I quietly said

"What" they asked

"Yes" I still said low.

"Speak louder" they demanded.

"Fine, yes ok yes" I finally admitted. Harry started smiling at me. Man I can't believe I just said that I should've lied and said no.

"I knew it" Lou shouted

"I've always known" Nicolle also admitted.

"Ok so that i have been asked , it's my turn to ask now" I reminded them. "Nicolle"

"Yes" she smiled.

"Truth or dare"


"Is it true that you like Zayn more than a friend?"

"Dare" she quickly said

"I dare you to answer the question"

"Yes" she sighed

Zayn's face lit up, "You do?" he asked, "You never acted like you did"

"It's because I didn't want you to know"

"Oh" he smiled.

"Well in that case Nicolle can I go talk to you for a second?"

She smiled as if she knew what he wanted to ask her, well we all did it was so obvious.


And they went inside the cabin.

"Cassidy" Harry said.

"Can I also talk to you?"

Oh my gosh Harry Styles is going to ask me out, I think?

"Sure" I also said.

He grabbed my hand and we walked along the shore the same way we did this morning.

"So Cas" he started, "I know I've only known you for a couple of days, but I just want to know if you"

"Yes" I screamed.

"But I didn't get to finish what I wanted to ask you"

"I knew what you were going to ask me, you were going to ask me out, and I said yes" I explained to him, "That's what you wanted me to say right?, or do you want me to change my mind?"

"No" he basically yelled in my face. And he pulled me into a kiss. His lips were soft and nice. He was a really good kisser. We pulled away only a couple of inches from our faces and just smiled at each other then continued to make out. When we finished we went back to the bomb fire where everyone else was. Nicolle was there and she had the biggest grin on her face with Zayn's arm around her shoulder.

"Guess who's got a new boyfriend" Nicolle hinted.

"Um you"

"Yes" she screamed

"Same here" I smiled and we both just gave each other a hug and sat back down next to our boyfriends. Wow boyfriend never thought I would say that. It sounds awesome!!

It started to get late so we decided to pack up. When we finished cleaning up we went to bed, but the sleeping arrangements were different this time. I slept with Harry in his room, Nicolle slept with Zayn in his, and Liam had no choice but to sleep on the couch. We all said our goodnights and went to bed.

I put on the pajamas that we bought today at Wal-Mart and slipped into bed. Harry slept in his trunks as he always does at least this time he was nice a decided not to sleep nude. When he laid down next to me he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me even closer to him. I turned to face him and laid my head on his chest. He then started to sing to me. He sang "One Thing". I tried to stay awake until he finished the song but I couldn't. I started to doze off in the arms of Harry who was now my boyfriend.

***Harry's P.O.V***

I laid down next to Cassidy and wrapped my arms around her waist. She seemed to like it and rested her head on my chest. I started to sing "One Thing" to her. And before I knew it she was out. "I love you" I whispered in her ear. I finally realized it. I'm in love the girl that I met a couple of days ago. And I mean it. I then fell asleep.

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