Chapter 14

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It was now about a month later and Liam and Danielle were stronger than ever. Harry and I had also worked hard on our relationship and made it through another month together. The month went by slowly and we hardly had much time to spend together. We were both pretty busy with school and work, that we just couldn't find time. But I was excited for today because we were going to spend the whole day together. 

I heard the doorbell ring that interrupted my thoughts. 

"Hey Harry" I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey, Natalie. What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"I was thinking that we could drive to the beach, but make it a couples thing with the rest of the guys."

"What about Niall." Harry said looking at me a little suspiciously.

"Well you remember my friend Edith?' I asked. "Her and Niall really hit it off when they met, and they still haven't gone on a date yet. So I was thinking-"

"That we would bring them without them knowing that other was going?" he said finishing my thought. 

It was decided we were going to bring Edith to the beach without telling her that Niall was going. And then Liam and Danielle would bring Niall along. And Zayn, Louis, Danielle and Perrie could all go in another car and meet us there as well.

I called up all the guys exept for Niall and told them our plan. They said they were all in. Now I just had to talk Edith into going to the beach with Harry and I.

I called Edith up, "Hey Edith, wanna come to the beach?"

"With who?" she asked.

"Harry and I" I replied

"No thanks I pass."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want to be the third wheel."

"You wont trust me. Please just come, it will be really fun I promise." After a few more minutes of talking to her I finally got her to agree to go.

Harry and I drove over to Edith's house and picked her up. We headed for the beach, which was a little over and hour away. We we got there we spotted the other guys' cars and pulled up next to them. Everyone got out and Edith looked over to see Niall standing there. Her mouth dropped a little and she started to smile.


"What the... Natalie? What did you do?" Edith asked me. I couldnt really read her mind as to what she thought about the surprise. 

Niall looked over and saw Edith standing there. He smiled and waved and then turned towards Liam.

I could hear him in a hushed tone talking to Liam, "What? You set me up?"

"Not exactly-" Liam said.

I looked over at everyone and we all ran down the beach leaving Edith and Niall alone.

*Niall's POV*

Sh*t. What do I do now? She just so beautiful, and shes standing there waiting for me to say something. What do I say? 

"Hey, so did you know about this whole set up?" Why did I just say that. I sound so stupid. Niall pull it together. It's just a girl you can do this.

"No, I had no idea. So that's why they wanted me to come so bad." she said.

Her voice was so beautiful. It just drew me in every time I heard her speak. We stood there a little while awkwardly just staring into each others eyes. I decided to be spontaneous and I took her hand in mine and lead her down the beach aways.

"You know, your so beautiful" I said looking to her eyes.

"Thanks" she said blushing. "Your the sweetest guy I've ever met" she said her voice ringing in my ears.

Don't blow this I thought to myself. 

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