7 Easy Steps To Creep People Out!

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Step 1- Always wear dark colors and/or grey. Plain, yet dark colors like that will give many people a strange vibe about you and they will, therefore, avoid you.

Step 2- Surround yourself with coffins! They make great hiding places and have many uses! Also, ask if you can take their measurements to make them their very own custom coffin!

Step 3- Make sure to always have something that reminds people of death on your person. A human skull is always a friendly reminder that death can be lurking around any corner!

Step 4- Laugh at everything! No matter what happens, at least give out a slight giggle. When people offer you money for you to do something, turn it down and have them pay you in jokes that will make you roll with laughter!

Step 5- NEVER show your eyes! Hide them with a hat or your hair. Eyes are the window to the soul, and if others can openly see your emotion, they won't be as creeped out by you.

Step 6- Sugar and cookies. It may not make much sense of being creepy, but it tastes good. So eat them anyway.

Step 7- If you can, try to wear clothes that are long and cover most of your body, but don't have anything on them. It keeps your interests mainly hidden and people are generally frightened by this.

Follow these 7 easy steps and you'll be creeping people out in no time!!!

Okay guys, I just randomly thought of this and thought it would be fun to do. It is just for laughs, and nothing else. Please, no hate.

Undertaker's Guide to being CREEPY!!Where stories live. Discover now