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present day - 2023

You wake up crying. The sun streams in from the small window next to your bed, caressing your face with warmth. You blink the tears out of your eyes, as this was a common occurrence. You were used to it. This ache in your chest has possessed you for a while now; like you were always missing something...and you were searching for it perpetually. On a constant merry-go-round--you keep spinning and spinning, only to end up in the same place you were before.

You feel like it was always there, haunting you...ever since that day.

5 years earlier - 2018

You were sitting on a bench next to a little vending machine re-reading some of your notes so you could pass that test tomorrow in calculus. You took a sip of some of the coffee you bought, trying to keep focused as much as possible. You didn't want to fail this time around.

You didn't even notice the boy standing in front of you. You looked up at him, his face was blushed and he had such wide eyes that you would think they held the entire universe. His chestnut hair was tousled; the wind playing with the strands as it danced by. He gave a small toothy grin, "Ah, It's me," he chuckled a little bit and looked nervously at you, awaiting your response.

You stared at him; you've never seen this boy before in your entire life. "Uh, who are you?"

His face went a deep red, before letting out a small awkward "nevermind," and took a few small steps to the vending machine, bought a vanilla frappachino, and started to walk away.

You don't know what compelled you to ask but, "Hey!" the boy turned around, "What's your name?"

He smiled, "Jungkook,"


"Sis! Wake up! You're gonna be late again!" Your little sister shook your arm in attempts to wake you up. You groggily rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, and peered over at your sister's wide eyes.

"Is it seriously already that time? School needs to go suck a dick, for real." you mumbled distastefully.

Your little sister gasped, "You're glad Grandma didn't hear you say that,"

"Oh, shut up." you stood up, and got out of the sweet comfort of your bed, the hardwood floor greeting the bottoms of your feet with a cold handshake.

Your sister stared at you for a moment before saying, "At least you're acting normal today," and with that, she exited your room while shutting the door behind her.

You had a quizzical look plastered on your face, what the hell does that mean? You quickly brushed it off, and put on your school uniform and putting your hair in a tight braid.

You remembered your dream; but you also didn't. You could barely remember anything; you know there was a boy there, and you got a weird sense of deja vu. Other than that, nothing.

It was starting to bother you. However, you did remember one dream.

A dream of someone else's life.


"Huh?!" Your best friend, Taehyung, starred at you with wide eyes. "What do you mean you don't remember?!" You shrugged your shoulders, you wish you could provide some sort of explanation; couldn't think of anything.

"Taehyung, I seriously don't know what your talking about."

"It was like you were possessed! You still had bedhead, you didn't know your own name, you even had to ask me what my name was!" He took a deep breath, and made a pouty face, "I was hurt, like how could you forget me, of all people."

"Taehyung, you're so lying to me right now. I'm perfectly fine, and there is no way I'd ever forget you."

He peered at you from the corner of his eyes, "Alright...don't ever do something like that to me again though,"

You walked to your next class along side of him, but you started thinking...was there something that seriously happened to you yesterday? First your sister, and now Taehyung. You couldn't wrap your head around it.

You sat down in your class, and opened up your notebook. They had doodles, and scrawled handwriting of notes...but you weren't the one that put them there. You squinted your eyes at the notebook, maybe you had dozed off in class yesterday?

You turned the page, and a message,a question rather, was written there.

"Who are you?"

You weren't quite sure what to make of it. You were staring at it so intensely, you didn't even realize that the teacher was calling your name for roll call.

You jolted up right quickly, "Here!"

Your teacher gave a small smile, "It seems that you remember your name today, (Name)."

The class started to giggle, and your face turned a beet red. 

What is going on? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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