Life Hacks ☺️

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1. Sore throat ? Eat marshmallows or cucumbers

2. Burnt Tongue ? Put sugar on it

3. Want lighter hair ? Rinse it with lemon juice 🍋

4 . Have a headache ? Eat 10-12 almonds & drink a bottle of powerade

5. Can't stop yawning ? Place your tounge at the top of your mouth 👅

6. Hate ads on games ? Put it on airplane mode ✈️

7. Want to cancel a text ? Put it on airplane mode to immediately cancel it.

8. Can't fall asleep ? Blink your eyes very fast for one minute 👀

9. Want to get rid of acne ? Put a dab of listening on it

10. Can't sleep well ? Try sleeping on your right side 💤

11. Have a mosquito bite ? Put a hot spoon over it .🍴

12. Raise both hands over your head to stop coughing 🙏

13. Marshmallows help revive a sore throat & tooth ache

14. If your sick & vomiting, chew mint gum or eat an apple 🍎

15. If your clothes are wrinkled , hang them in the bathroom while you take a shower . 👕👖

16. Applying Vaseline on the top of your eyelashes every night can help your eyelashes grow.

17. If you smile for one minute it will automatically change your mood . 😄

18. You can heal paper cuts immediately with Chapstick 📝

19. If your phone freezes, plug it into the charger

20. When you eat celery , you burn more calories then what you're eating

21. Want to make a bruise disappear ? Soak it in vinegar & place it on the bruise

22. Putting freshly painted nails into cold water for 3 minutes. Will dry them completely .

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