The Game

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"...So, you're telling me that while you were away, you fought in a competitive fight ring, double crossed a crime lord, spied on a secret alpha meeting, committed murder, blackmailed an assassin and stabbed a person's hand?" Iona said, pushing one of the game pieces forward with her index finger.

Helena looked at the board and grimaced, finding herself once again backed into a tight corner. "Pretty much. It was by no means a relaxing trip." Her eyes darted back and forth as she tried to work out her best plan of action. Eventually, she leant across the table and shoved her piece onto a different square.

The moment she did it, she knew her mistake. A small, triumphant smile played at Iona's lip. "I'm quite jealous if I'm honest. I just spent the entire time working and being bored."

Helena winced as another of her pieces joined a growing pile at the side of the board. "I'm honestly shocked by how calm you are. Felix didn't speak to me for a week when I told him."

Iona hummed, rubbing her thumb across the well-worn wood. "Felix is too innocent at times. He always ignores the bad in people, so when he has to face the things he's afraid of, he struggles. I've always suspected you're not a normal rogue. You're too skilled and too intelligent for that. There's a look in your eyes sometimes. Haunted and sad. It's obvious that you have a past and you've just confirmed my suspicions. That's all."

Helena made her next move, pushing back her hair as it tried to fall around her face. "You're sneakily smart, Iona."

Iona snorted. "It's fun. If you're quiet and keep your head down, the number of observations you can make are infinite. It's the only thing that stops me from going insane when I work in the shop."

"So, you don't mind that I'm one of the Angor?" Helena questioned.

Iona looked up. "Don't be silly, Lena. You might've been one of them when you were a child, but I hardly think the person you are now can be classed in the same group as the rest of them. We can't choose our parents or our packs, and you've lived your life trying to get away from your name. I don't mind because I don't think you're quite as bad as you want everyone to believe."

Helena was quiet as Iona steadily destroyed her remaining defences with a couple of couple well thought out moves. "Thank you," she murmured into the palm of her hand as Iona plucked another of the counters away.

"It's alright. I'm used to being seen as something I'm not. I know it can be tough to break out of the expectations other's put on you."

That made Helena pause. "Have things been okay while we've been gone? Anyone that needs a scary rogue to give them a piece of their mind?"

Iona chuckled. "No, it's just been the normal, snooty looks. That's what I get for consorting with multiple men, befriending omegas and drinking with rogues, I suppose. Although, now you're my friend I think everyone is being a bit subtler."

"If it gets any worse, please tell me."

Iona waved a hand in the air. "I will, I will. Don't worry." With a final move, Helena had to concede defeat.

"Another win for you. Good game. Shall we have another?" she asked.

Iona paused and glanced out at the sky. "Yeah. We still have time before dinner."

They began to set the game up for the third time that afternoon.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry too much about me. I can handle myself, and I seem to have acquired myself my own personal band of bodyguards."

Helena glanced up to the woman opposite her. "Oh?"

Iona sat back in her chair, a satisfied grin on her face. "I may have visited to omega district a couple of times and those kids you teach, well, they appear to have taken me under their collective wing. The little creatures follow me everywhere. It's like I'm a mother goose. They've even invaded the shop several times. Almost made old Berri scream like a banshee when they came pouring in, putting their grubby hands everywhere."

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