Monas catching up....

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I slowly walk into my house, rip off my shoes and run up too my bedroom. I'm trying to put the pieces of the events that just took place and sort them out. Was I crazy this isn't a dream!  I, Mona Vanderwaal just caught Rosewood's it girls in something that could ruin thier lives for eternity! Stay calm I thought to myself. How am I going to bust them? I chuckle " I'm starting to sound like Candace Flynn fro Phineas and Ferb." I shuffle over to my closet and take off the dirty knit sweater my grandma gave me. It was my favorite it had a little kitten on it. I decide to wear all black because I'm going to be taking a trip back to Spencer's barn. I walk outside and grab my scooter. I get over to the Hastings residence and drop my scooter in a hedge across the yard. I slip over to where I was hiding before, I closely listen in. Finally I hear Allison say: " Girls we cant tell anyone, no siblings and no parents, that goes for you too Emily." I knew Emily she could never keep a secret from her parents, she was like the goody-goody of the group. I laugh. The girls may have heard me because Allison and Hanna's chubby face was pinned to the window. " I guess it's nothing" says Hanna. I watch as Allison walks over to her dresser and opens it up, she pulls out a white and blue plastic bag. Inside it holds five friendship bracelets, one for each of the girls. Allison says something i could quite hear. After she says, " This will hold us together our friendship,and forever it will last". All five after chant in unison the song Allison just mentioned. That's weird i think to myself. I get up from my hiding place and see that Toby and Jenna's parents speaking to a police officer. I think nothing of it until I hear... " I take the blame,fully" I spin around and look at Toby. No, this cant be right! It wasn't Toby it was those five idiots! Those girls wont get away with nothing i think to yourself while grabbing my scooter and away I went down the lane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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