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"Recognized: Lorena Marquez, A10."

She grinned. The Justice League's new transportation system made it so much easier for her to travel halfway around the world to Atlantis. This way, she didn't have to wait for Mera to bring her through a magical Atlantean portal. She could nip over and say hi to her friends, and be home in time for dinner.

"La'gaan! Lori!" Lorena kicked extra hard, speeding into the courtyard of the Queen's Conservatory. Emerging from a cloud of smoke from another one of Lori's failed spells, she tackled her two friends in a hug.

"Hey! Leggo, leggo-! Oh, Hey Lorena," La'gaan relaxed when he saw it was just their surfacer friend.

"Lorena!" Lori squealed. "what are you doing in Atlantis?"

"King Orin and Queen Mera invited me to an intimate dinner tonight, they wanted to talk to me about my training afterward. And I was wondering if either of you wanted to come with me!" She grinned, eyes flicking between two of her best friends.

Lori sighed, waving at the smoke still wafting from the bowl of potion. "I would, but if I don't get this right by tomorrow, I will fail out of the Conservatory!"

"I understand," Lorena nodded. Ignoring her history project was one of the reasons she was so eager to escape to Atlantis.

"I'm working on a couple spells of my own to show Ronal who's the top fish, but I can spare an hour or two later this evening." La'gaan highed-fived Lorena just the way she'd taught him.

"Great! I look forward to it," Lorena floated around the courtyard, greeting all her friends at the Conservatory, and even managed to come close to breaking one of Sha'ark's ribs.

"Topo, this is amazing!" She stopped to admire the work of her tiniest friend. A mosaic, telling the story of Aqualad

"Thanks!" Topo blurbled proudly as he placed the last cluster of tiles, "Kaldur said he liked it too!"

"Wait, Kaldur's here?" Lorena squeaked.

"Came through a minute before you did," Topo pointed to the roof, "He went to say hello to Tula and Garth, training with the Queen."

Lorena didn't even bother to say goodbye. A moment later, she had alighted on the roof of the Conservatory.

"Lorena!" Tula burst forth from between the boys and hugged her tightly. 

"It is good to see you, my friend," Garth smiled, coming up close besides Tula.

Lorena hugged Kaldur next. "Aren't you supposed to be helping the League on the surface? What was that whole League induction thing back in July?"

"Things...did not go as planned," Kaldur chuckled.

"I assume you are here for the King and Queen's dinner as well," Tula said, a hand on Lorena's arm.

"Yes, are you going?"

"Kaldur...invited me as his guest," Tula said, her cheeks a shade of pink, "Perhaps Garth could go as your guest?" She offered hopefully, not wanted to make him the only one left out.

Lorena winced, "I would, but I already asked La'gaan, and I don't want to intrude on the royal family's hospitality any more."

"It is fine," Garth assured Lorena and Kaldur.

"As for now, we have another class. I will see you tonight," Tula nodded. She grabbed Garth's hand, and the two swam to another part of the conservatory.

Lorena was left on the rooftop with Kaldur, and she sighed, looking down at the courtyard.

"I wish I could be here with everyone."

Take A Dive [AquagirlxAqualad]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz