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I woke up in the big houses hospital. I was on the floor on a blanket. All the beds were taken by people far more injured than me. My wounds had healed while I was passed out. I still felt mortal. I stood up and My broken heart stayed on the floor. I remembered what had happened. Percy was gone. I was now gone. After millennia of not having anyone, I fall in love once and it's ripped away from me. LIke a child from their mother, I was ripped away from what I loved. I loved. Me, the creator of everything, who has never loved anything. I stepped away from my dark place, my mind palace and tried for the real world. It really isn't as grand as people make it to be. Unless they meant all the dramatic death than maybe. But here I was, pathetic and weeping for a demigod. Did Poseidon even feel as hurt as me? If not, the same?

"Kace?" I turned to see Annabeth. Her blonde hair was braided back. She didn't have any scratches or marks. But she did looked exhausted. She looked almost as crushed as me. She cared deeply for Percy too, even after their breakup. we were alone. I was alone. "How are you feeling? Um, physically I mean" She quickly added. I sighed. "I'm still here, alive and walking. I suppose that's enough" I told her. "Come on, let's talk" She motioned for me to follow her out the door. I did. We walked slowly by each other's side. "You've been asleep for three days" She told me. "Really? I did take a lot of hits, from what I remember" I tried to recall the battle. I was such in a fit of rage I could hardly remember anything. Figures, it was all a blur. "You did, you helped us win, Kace" She managed a smile. I nodded. "I would've been slain into pieces if it weren't for you demigods. It would've taken a while to resurrect" I told her. Annabeth knew of my immortality. She took a deep breath. "We're having his funeral today" She didn't look at me but instead into the distance. I looked where she was looking, there was a white sarcophagus with flowers on it. I held back my tears. I walked to it. I didn't say anything. I didn't look at anyone. I just stood in front of it. It was beautiful. Beautiful enough to hold a beautiful person. "Kace, wait I need to tell you something" She touched my arm lightly. " I don't want to speak. Let me just be in pain" I looked at her. "That's the thing...This isn't-"

"Did I miss the ceremony?" A familiar voice hit me so hard I might have passed out again. Or fainted. I turned to see black hair, tan skin and sea green eyes staring at me. The way the light shined in the distance made him look like he was sent from heaven. Or Olympus. Or whatever the Hades you believe is the most beautiful and amazing place in the universe to you. He smiled at me and I'd never felt so happy. I ran at him. He back up a little but I swept him up in my arms and hugged him so tight he might've actually died from suffocation. "Whoa! Kace it's okay!" He said. "Shut up! Just shut up" I said hugging him a little less tight. I held the back of his head with one of my hands, the other on his back. He hugged me back. It felt more than amazing. I could feel the pieces slowly forming again. Being put back into place to repair my heart. It would never be the same heart, but it broke for an original person. I pulled away enough to look into his face. I looked down into his eyes. I expected him to fade away into smoke. Like he was one of my creations. He wasn't smiling anymore. His eyes full of concern. " I swear to the gods if you ever do that again I will be the one to kill you" I tried not cry. He nodded at me. "It's alright Kace, I'm okay. You got me into the water just in time. I was close, I really was. But you saved me. I can't thank you enough. Plus that was a pretty sick party trick you played with the wings and stuff" He chuckled. "Perseus Jackson. I am in disgust because of.yojr foolery" I smiled letting the tears fall. "I love you too man" He hugged me again. I never wanted to let go. Ever. He was alive, I saved Percy Jackson.

 He was alive, I saved Percy Jackson

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(Hope you like it! wait...)

"Wait, so who's in there?" I asked looking at the coffin. Percy chuckled. "No one, it's filled with a bunch of flowers and such. it's like a memorial for the everyone. Even though no one died" He glanced at Annabeth. "No one died?...but..."

"You shot out a beam of energy when you exploded into a fit of rage. you were extremely scary. Your eyes glowed red, your wings had smoke coming off of them. No one died probably because of your energy" She explained. "I...I saved everyone?" I asked. "You're a one of a kind dude Kace, Seriously amazing" Percy pointed out. I smiled for the first time in forever. "Thanks, I guess I should get out more".

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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