Chapter One Highschool

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"Cal! Wake up! You don't want to miss the bus!" My mom screamed from downstairs. I groaned as loud as I could, hoping she'd hear me.

My mom calls me Cal, even though my real name is Carlie. I don't really understand why she calls me Cal, might as well call me Carl, since it fits with my name better. Stumbling, bleary-eyed out of my bed and to my dresser, grabbed the clothes on the bottom shelf that I had set out last night, and went into the bathroom to change.

My outfit was a blue jean-patterned dress but wasn't actually the blue jean material.

It had little flowers all over it, and skinny straps at the top. I loved this dress. I bought it myself a while ago when my mom said she wasn't going to buy me things anymore because I could work for my own money.

I slipped on some gray Vans and brushed my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror, hating my teeth. They had these little notches on each tooth. They were metal and had a wire going to each and ending at the part of my jaw you couldn't see.

They were called braces.

"Cal! Come now!" My mom screamed again. I grabbed my book bag and ran down the stairs that descended into the kitchen.

The kitchen smelled like pancakes, Anthony's favorite.

Anthony was in there, matter of fact, he had syrup smeared across his face and his hands looked like they had been bathed in them too. I grimaced.

"Mom, he's being.... gross." I announced.

My stomach croaked from hunger as I sat myself down and started to munch on a dry pancake.

"Bye, mom. Bye Booger." Anthony snarled at me. You would never tell we were twins.

But sadly, we were.

We had the same blonde hair, the same green eyes.

The same cheekbones.

And oddly enough, almost every girl in our grade liked him.

I couldn't grasp why. He burped all the time, was messy, and never wore matching clothes.

But that was an advantage on me, because he was so popular, I was too, well, only because of him.

That's probably the

only thing I was thankful to him for.

"Your phone is buzzing." My mom said, chopping up some carrots for her salad at lunch.

I looked down to see that it was.

"Hey, guess who's on the bus?" My best friend, Iyana said.

"Umm... let me think. Ronald McDonald?" I joked, maybe I was good at jokes.

"No, stupid."

Or maybe I wasn't.

"It's Brady." She said.

"Are you serious?" I said, pancake almost spilling from my mouth.

"Annnddd... we are almost at your stop. This could be your chance to talk to him. Wait, where are you?" She questioned.

My stomach dropped.

"Mom, I uh, gotta go." I grabbed a pancake, slipped on a black beanie that made my hair look cute. And started out the door towards the bus stop.

I could hear the wheels grinding the pavement as the bus arrived.

Sadly, I wasn't there to face it. I was a block away. I watched my brother take steps into it, it close it's doors, and drive away. The growl of the engine getting quieter.

I let out a little shriek, and went back up my driveway.

I went into the house and called or mom.

She wasn't here.

She had left? Oh My God! She had left!!

How could she?! I wanted to scream as I ran up to my room. I grabbed my skateboard that was beaten up a bit, an ran down the steps to the door.

I rode down the driveway and into the street. There are no cars right about now, good for me. I made my way to where the bus stop would've gotten me. And I might've had a chance with Brady. I wanted to kick myself, that I hadn't gotten up earlier, but half the night was dedicated to finishing my stupid geometry homework that I wanted to get an A on.

I feel stupid just skating through my neighborhood, so I took out my phone, plugged in my earphones and started a playlist. I clicked shuffle, not knowing what I would get.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Clap." Rang through my ears.

I turned the sound a little but up as the fall wind fingered my hair.

I finally arrived at my highschool. River view High was made out in big letters on the front of the school, right above the doors. I walked in, skateboard in my left hand, book bag in right. I forgot I had earphones in, because as the Vice Principal came walking towards me, I realized the lyrics. "And you throw your head back laughing like a,

Little kid."

Boy did I feel like a little kid when she ripped them right out of my ears.

"Do you think you own this school or something?" She spit in my face.

"No ma'am." I said politely, even though I was growling inside.

"You better get to class, and I'll take this with me." She said, stripping me from my phone and earphones. I could've cried. But I had an idea.

"My mom won't be picking me up today, and I'm going home with my friend, so I kind of need my phone to tell her that I am with her." I lied.

"Well, then you and your friend can come up with the signed paper that says your going home with her and then I'll give you your phone back? Okay?" She snarled.

"Okay." I said.

I grimaced.

What was this? The Fault In Our Stars?



Emmm... no.

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