Chapter 2: An explanation

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Leah and Danny sat together on the Clearwater's couch as Sam began to explain what had happened. Danny was holding Leah close to her, as if trying to take away her pain. Seth had phased back and was in the kitchen with Jacob, as he tried to explain the situation to Seth.

"Listen here Sam. You better tell us what's going on or I will try to cut your balls off again" Danny threatened, feeling really protective over Leah. Sam gulped, remembering when he broke up with Leah and went on to date Emily and Danny came after him, furious of course. "Well you know the legends obviously, considering both your fathers were elders," Sam begins and Leah winces at the mention of her father causing Danny to send Sam a glare. " So I won't bore you with the stories but basically they're true. We descend from Taha Aki. We are the protectors of our land- La Push and when our threat, vampires, come near our area, the gene triggers inside us and if we get mad enough then we phase to wolves. Taha Aki's third wife was something that's known as an imprint. Its essentially their soulmate, but it doesn't have to be romantic. You be whatever your imprint needs you to be, wether that be a lover or a sibling or a friend. It happens when the wolf first makes eye contact with their imprint after shifting," Sam says as Danny gasps interrupting him, about to ask Sam something before Leah beat her to it. " So when I looked into Dan's eyes when I was a wolf, I imprinted on her?" "Yeah. Basically you and Danny are 'soulmates' per se." Sam answers as the girls look at each other in shock. "As I was saying, my imprint is Emily and that's why I broke up with you Leah. If a wolf and their imprint are apart for too long they can both get ill and if the imprint rejects the wolf, the essentially die in the end" He finishes.

Danny looks over to Leah who seems to be in a panic "Leah don't worry! I won't reject you, I don't want you to die on me!" She says quickly, still holding Leah. "Alright I think I've shocked you both enough for one day. If you need anything just ask. And Leah, you and Seth don't need to worry about patrolling for a while. I heard about your dad. I'm really sorry Lee-Lee" Sam says as he goes to leave. Leah growls at the nickname he used to call her when they were together. "Don't call me that Sam! But thanks I guess," she says to the boys she still can't stand.

"So, you turn into a massive wolf then, huh?" Danny's says, turning to face Leah. Leah tugs Danny's jumper closer to her as she turns to face the other girl. "Yeah I guess I do. Why don't we go to my room? I'm tired and I need a hug if I'm honest," Leah asks Danny as she stands up, standing at 5"10 instead of her 5"5 that she was four days ago. "Woah Lee! You've grown like five inches overnight" she laughs with the now taller girl. "I guess it'll be me wearing your hoodies instead of you wearing mine now?" Says the 5"7 girl, still getting used to looking up at her instead of down. Grabbing her hand, they head to Leah's room, seeing as Seth disappeared somewhere with Jacob and Leah's mother went to see Charlie.

Three days later, Danny is woken up to sniffling around midnight, having fallen asleep watching movies on Leah's laptop, as they had been doing every night since. "Leah are you okay?" She asks, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. "Danny. I miss him. My dad is dead and I turn into a giant wolf. What's wrong with me? The boy who dumped me for my cousin is now apparently in charge of me, being the alpha dog thing. What do I do Dan?" Sobs the taller girl, turning around to cuddle into Danny. "Oh Lee, you know I'm here for you. I love you, you know that? I'll always be here for you Lee, no matter what. Forever."She explains to Leah. "You're the best D. I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you." She tells the girl who's been like her rock through everything.

Leah cries with Danny holding her for another hour or so until she speaks up. "Dan? I like you. Like obviously I love you, you're my best friend but I mean like-like," Leah says quietly and nervously, nearly childlike. She continues, "I have for a little while I guess. I don't want to rush into anything though, even though you are my 'soulmate'." "Lee, I like you too but yeah, let's not rush into anything okay? I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." Danny says holding the younger girl to her chest.

Suddenly, Leah moves her head away from Danny and asks her, "Dan-Dan, can I kiss you?" "Yeah Lee-Lee. You can," Danny replies, giggling slightly about the nicknames. Leah rests her hand on Dan's check as the other girl rests her hand on Leah's side. Slowly, Leah leans in, as does Danny with both of their hearts beating vastly in their chests. Danny could feel Leah's breath on her lips as they both lean in, their lips together. It's an innocent kiss, none of them wanting to move, and risk messing up their perfect moment. They stay like that for a few seconds until Leah starts to move her lips, slowly against Danny's. It takes Danny a moment to realise what's happening before she also moves her lips against the other girls. As their lips move in sync, Leah slips her tongue against Danny's lip as she slips her tongue into her mouth. Danny hold onto Leah tightly, one arm wrapped around her waist as the other cups her face. One of Leah's hand rests on Danny's neck as her other one slips into her hair. They separate a few minutes later, breathing heavier than before.
"Wow" giggles Danny as Leah blushes. "Yeah" Leah replies, still blushing like a tomato. Danny holds Leah close to her as they both fall asleep and she whispers, "Good night Lee-Lee.", into Leah's ear and kisses her cheek as she dozed off with Leah sleepily smiling at her.

A/N: I hope they're not going to fast. It's only a kiss so I don't think it's that fast but I'm not sure. Feel free to comment! Thank you for reading!

Until next time,

A/N #2: I plan on updating the next chapter either tomorrow or Monday so stay tuned for that! There will be some major  development on both Danny and Leah's parts 💞

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